Gantt Chart Functionalities > Gantt Abstract Data Classes
Gantt Abstract Data Classes
Gantt data classes are objects used to represent user’s schedule data. The following Gantt abstract data objects are provided:
*Resources - The general inputs of a scheduling problem are as follows:
*Each resource is identified by its name.
*A resource has a given capacity that describes the number of activities it can perform at one time.
*A resource with a capacity equal to 1 is called a unary resource.
*Resources are described in the Gantt chart through IlvGanttLine class objects.
*Activities and subactivities - Each activity is identified by its name. It is composed of one or many subactivities, each of which has a minimum and maximum start-time, and a minimum and maximum end-time. A subactivity has a given capacity that indicates its needed resource capacity. Activities and subactivities are described in the Gantt chart through IlvGanttNode and IlvGanttSubNode class objects.
*Breaks - Note that the IlvGanttNode and IlvGanttSubNode objects might have a flag indicating whether it is a break activity or not.
*Precedence constraints - Some activities must start or end before other activities begin or end. These constraints are described in the Gantt chart through objects of class IlvGanttLink. A link has a starting activity, an ending activity, and a delay. The delay is the time that elapses between the two given activities.
All these objects inherit from the abstract class IlvGanttAbstractObject.
Populating Gantt Charts
When adding Gantt data objects to the IlvGanttChart or IlvGanttChartForm, graphic objects are created to present the data objects. The following methods of IlvGanttChart are provided to populate the Gantt chart:
*Use the methods addLine(), insertLine(), and removeLine() of the IlvGanttChart to manage IlvGanttLine objects.
*Use the methods addNode(), addSubNode(), removeNode(), and removeSubNodes() to manage IlvGanttNode and IlvGanttSubNode objects of the IlvGanttChart.
*Use the method setSubNodeValues() to update the values of the subnode already added to the Gantt chart.
*Use the methods addLink() and removeLink() to manage IlvGanttLink objects in the Gantt chart.

Version 5.7
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