About This Tutorial > Notation
Typographic Conventions
The following typographic conventions apply throughout this manual:
*Code extracts and file names are written in a "code" typeface.
*Entries to be made by the user, such as in dialog boxes, are written in a "code" typeface.
*Command variables to be supplied by the user are written in italics.
*Some words in italics, when seen for the first time, may be found in the glossary.
Naming Conventions
Throughout the documentation, the following naming conventions apply to the API.
*The names of types, classes, functions, and macros defined in the Rogue Wave Views library begin with Ilv, for example IlvGraphic.
*The names of types and macros not specific to Rogue Wave Views begin with Il, for example IlBoolean.
*The names of classes as well as global functions are written as concatenated words with each initial letter capitalized.
class IlvDrawingView;
*The names of virtual and regular methods begin with a lowercase letter; the names of static methods start with an uppercase letter. For example:
virtual IlvClassInfo* getClassInfo() const;
static IlvClassInfo* ClassInfo*() const;

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.