Rogue Wave Views Application Framework > Application Framework Interfaces > Declaring an Interface
Declaring an Interface
Here is a small sample showing how to declare an interface to a class (called ‘A’):
// Declaration of class A
class A
: public IlvDvInterface
void setX(int x) { _x = x; } < /FONT >
int getX() const { return _x; }
int _x;
// Implementation file of A. Use the following macros to
// introspect methods setX, getX, and field _x:
Method1(SetX, setX)
TypedMethod (GetX, getX)
Field(X, _x)
// Using an instance of A as an interface, it is possible
// to invoke its methods and to modify its field
// without being aware of class A !!!
A* a = new A;
IlvDvInterface* interf = a;
// First we invoke its methods:
IlvDvValue returnedValue;
interf->callMethod(IlvGetSymbol("SetX"), &returnedValue, 100);
interf->callMethod(IlvGetSymbol("GetX"), &returnedValue);
assert((IlvInt) returnedValue == 100);
// Then, we modify its field directly:
interf->setFieldValue(IlvGetSymbol("X"), 200);
&returnedValue) == 200);

Version 5.7
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