Creating GUI Applications with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Customizing the Gadgets Extension of Rogue Wave Views Studio > Configuration Options for the Gadgets Extension
Configuration Options for the Gadgets Extension
Rogue Wave® Views provides you with the following configuration options for the Gadgets extension:
*additionalLibraries "<library list>" lets you specify a list of Rogue Wave Views libraries to link into the generated application.
For example:
studio {
additionalLibraries "ilvadvgadmgr ilvgadmgr ilvmgr";
*applicationBaseClass <className> lets you specify the name of the base class of the generated application class. The default value is IlvApplication.
*applicationBufferBackground "<colorName>" lets you specify the background color of the Application buffer window. The default value is "Cadet Blue".
*applicationFileExtension "<extension>" lets you specify the extension of the application file. The default value is ".iva".
*applicationHeaderFile "<header>" lets you specify the header file to be included in the generated application header file. The default value is "<ilviews/appli.h>".
*defaultApplicationName <name> lets you specify the name of a new application. The default value is testapp.
For example:
studio {
defaultApplicationName newappli;
*defaultCallbackLanguage <language> lets you specify the callback language used by default when a callback is attached to an object. This option only applies to Rogue Wave Views Studio Script extension (jsstudio). Its default value is JvScript. If you do not want callbacks written in jsstudio to default to JvScript, set this option to none.
For example:
studio {
defaultCallbackLanguage none;
*defaultHeaderDir "<dir>" lets you specify the header file directory set by default for new applications. The specified directory is relative to the application directory.
Once the application is created, this directory can be modified via the Application inspector.
For example:
studio {
defaultHeaderDir "include";
*defaultHeaderFileScope "<dir>" lets you specify a subdirectory which is generated in the #include statements. Once the application is created, the header file scope can be modified via the Application inspector.
For example:
studio {
defaultHeaderFileScope "myinclude/";
*defaultObjDir "<dir>" lets you specify the makefile directory that is set by default for new applications. The specified directory is relative to the application directory. Once the application is created, it can be modified through the Application Inspector.
For example:
studio {
defaultObjDir "obj";
*defaultSrcDir "<dir>" lets you specify the source file directory that is set by default for new applications. The specified directory is relative to the application directory. Once the application is created, this directory can then be modified through the Application Inspector.
For example:
studio {
defaultObjDir "obj";
*defaultSystemName "<name>" lets you specify the target system for which you want to generate the application makefile. This information is not specific to an application. It concerns only the system you use to compile the generated application. By default, the makefile is generated for the system on which Rogue Wave Views Studio is running. Use this option if you want to modify the platform for which the makefile will be generated by default.
For example:
studio {
defaultSystemName "sparc_5_4.0";
*headerFileExtension "<extension>" lets you specify the extension of the generated header file. The default value is ".h".
For example:
studio {
headerFileExtension ".hxx";
*JvScriptApplication <true/false> lets you specify whether the generated C++ application will use Rogue Wave Script for Rogue Wave Views. This option is only applicable when you use the GUI Application plug-in with the jsstudio extension.
For example:
studio {
JvScriptApplication false;
*makeFileExtension "<extension>" lets you specify the extension of the generated makefile. The default value is ".mak". For example:
studio {
makeFileExtension ".mk";
*noPanelContents <true/false> lets you specify whether the contents of the panel instances must be loaded when you open an application file. This option defaults to false. Use this option to reduce the loading time if you often edit applications containing a lot of panels. Then, you can explicitly load the contents of a panel by choosing Load Contents from the panel instance menu in the Application buffer window.
*panelBaseClass <className> lets you specify the base class name that will be automatically given to newly created panel classes, whatever the buffer type. If this option is not specified, the base class name will depend on your buffer type.
For example:
studio {
panelBaseClass MyGadgetContainer;
*sourceFileExtension "<extension>" lets you specify the extension of the generated C++ source file regardless of the selected target platform. The default value depends on the target platform that is selected in the Application inspector panel.
*system <systemDescription> declares the information related to the target platform, needed by the editor to generate your application files. This option can be repeated. Its format is the following:
system "<system-name>" {
<option-1> <value-1>;
<option-n> <value-n>;
system-name is the Rogue Wave Views platform name, such as msvc5 or sparc_5_4.0. You should not have to modify these options since they are given for all the platforms on which Rogue Wave Views is available. Following is the list of the possible options used in the system description:
*compiler "<command>" specifies the command to run the compiler on this platform.
*compilerOptions "<options>" specifies the options to be passed to the compiler for producing an object file.
*linker "<command>" specifies the command to run the linker on this platform.
*linkerOptions "<options>" specifies the options to be passed to the linker for producing an executable file.
*libraries "<libraries>" lists the Rogue Wave Views libraries to link with for producing an executable file.
*systemLibraries "<libraries>" lists the system libraries to link with for producing an executable file.
*motif Either true or false to indicate whether the platform can use Motif.
*toolBarItem <commandName> <toolBarName> [-before <refCommandName>] lets you add a command <commandName> in the tool bar <toolBarName>. This option can be repeated. Optionally, you can specify a command <refCommandName> before which you want to insert the new command by using the keyword -before.
For example:
studio {
toolBarItem SelectLabelMode IlvStGadgetBuffer -before
*userSubClassPrefix "<prefix>" lets you customize the prefix of the class name for a generated panel subclass. By default, this prefix is "My".
*userSubClassSuffix "<suffix>" lets you specify the suffix of the class name for a generated panel subclass.

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.