Creating GUI Applications with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Editing Applications > Editing an Application > The Panel Class Palette
The Panel Class Palette
The Panel Class palette is used to create, inspect, or remove panel classes. This palette can be accessed, whatever the current buffer, by clicking the Panel Class Palette icon in the Main window toolbar or by selecting Panel Class Palette from the Code menu. It can also be opened together with the Application buffer by choosing the Edit Application icon from the toolbar of the Main window.
The Panel Class palette consists of a toolbar containing the commands that can be used to manipulate panel classes, and a panel class buffer that shows icons representing the existing panel classes.
Figure 3.9    Toolbar of the Panel Class Palette
You can do the following using the commands in the Panel Class palette toolbar:
*New Panel Class   Creates a new panel class from the current buffer. The current buffer must have already been saved.
*Remove Panel Class  Removes the selected panel class from the palette.
*Panel Class Inspector  Opens the inspector of the selected panel class.
*Help  Lets you access Online Help on the Panel Class palette.
When you double-click a panel class icon in the Panel Class palette, the file containing the panel description is opened and set as the current buffer.
When you double-click the background of the Panel Class palette (without clicking a panel class icon), the Application buffer is set as the current buffer.

Version 5.7
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