Creating GUI Applications with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Editing Applications > The Application Inspector > The General Page
The General Page
The General page of the Application inspector contains the following fields:
Class   The class name of the generated application can be specified in the Class field. By default it is Testapp. The name that you specify in this field must be a valid C++ class name.
Base Class   The base class of the application can be specified in the Base Class field. By default it is IlvApplication. The name that you specify in this field must be a valid C++ class name.
Instead of deriving the generated class from IlvApplication, you can specify your own base class. In this case, the given class must be derived from IlvApplication and must include compatible constructors. Of course, the declaration of your base class must be known by the compiler when compiling the generated files; that is, it must be inserted or included in the generated file. See The Header and Source Pages.
File Name   Shows the name of the .iva file containing the application.
Data   The Data field displays the directory where the application data file is saved. This field cannot be edited. To change the location of the application data file, activate the Application buffer window, choose Save As… from the File menu of the Main window, and save it in the directory of your choice.
Header   Use the Header field to specify where the application header file should be generated. By default, the header file is generated in the directory where the application data file is saved. This directory is relative to the application data file directory.
Header File Scope  The directory where header files are generated is obtained by appending a header file scope to the specified header directory. The option Header File Scope is used to specify a subdirectory that is generated in the #include statements.
Assuming that the application file is in the directory /myappdir, the Header directory is include, and the Header File Scope is myapp, header files are generated in the directory /myappdir/include/myapp. The generated #include statements corresponding to the application header files are the following:
#include <myapp/file1.h>
#include <myapp/file2.h>
instead of
#include <file1.h>
#include <file2.h>
Source   Use the Source field to specify where the application source file should be generated. By default, the source file is generated in the directory where the application data file is saved. This directory is relative to the application data file directory.
Objects   Use the Objects field to specify the location where the application make file is generated. By default, the make file is generated in the directory where the application data file is saved. This directory is relative to the application data file directory.
System   Use this menu to specify the name of the platform for which you want to generate the make file. The default platform is the one on which Rogue Wave Views Studio is running.
Motif   This toggle button is only visible if the platform you choose in the System option menu is an X11 platform. If this toggle button is selected, the generated make file chooses the Motif version of the Rogue Wave Views libraries and links the libXt and libXm libraries to your application.

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.