Creating GUI Applications with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Editing Applications > Application Description File
Application Description File
The properties of the application, and also panel classes and panel instances that make up the application, are saved in a data file that typically has an .iva extension. Although the file format is easy to understand, it is better to use Rogue Wave® Views Studio to edit the application buffer.
Only one application can be edited at a time. If you are editing an application and want to open a new one, save the current application and then create a new application or load a previously saved application.
You can use the following commands in the File menu to work with application description files.
New > Application
By default, Rogue Wave Views Studio reates an empty application when it is launched (“testapp”). Choose <Application> from the Window menu to start editing “testapp”, or click on its window to activate it.
If you are already editing an application, and want to create a new one, save your current application and choose New from the File menu and then Application in the submenu that appears.
Save As…
Before saving an application, make sure that the current buffer is the Application buffer (using the Window menu, if necessary). To save a new application for the first time, choose Save As… from the File menu. This command opens the File Chooser that lets you save the application description file in a directory. Application files are saved with the .iva file extension.
To save an application, choose Save from the File menu or click the Save icon from the toolbar. This command saves the application description in a data file. See the Save As… command above for saving a new application file.
To load an application previously saved by Rogue Wave Views Studio, choose Open… from the File menu, or click the Open icon from the toolbar. This command opens a File Chooser that lets you choose an application file. To filter the list of files that are displayed in the File Chooser, select Application files in the File type option menu.
This command discards the current application; so, if necessary, save the current application first.

Version 5.7
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