Support of Bidirectional and Contextual Languages > The Class IlvBidiInterface
The Class IlvBidiInterface
This abstract class defines a set of methods for manipulating bidirectional attributes. The classes IlvGraphic, IlvAbstractView, and IlvGadgetItem derive from this class through multiple inheritance and, thus, have the same programming interface for handling these attributes. In this section, any instance of one of these classes is referred to as a Bidi object.
Bidi objects use bidirectional attributes to display themselves. All these attributes are relevant for Bidi objects containing text, whereas for other objects, only the IlvLayoutDirection attribute might make sense. Among IlvGraphic subclasses that do not hold text, only gadget classes rely on the IlvLayoutAttribute for their display and behavior.
If you do not specify bidirectional attributes for a graphic object, this object will use the default values of the object class—that is, those of the display for an IlvGraphic object and those of the containing gadget for an IlvGadgetItem object.
The following member function specifies that the Bidi object must use the default bidirectional attributes:
virtual IlBoolean setDefaultBidiAttributes();
The following member function returns IlTrue if the Bidi object is oriented right to left. Otherwise it returns IlFalse.
virtual IlBoolean isRightToLeft() const;
The following member function sets the attributes specified as parameters for the Bidi object:
void setBidiAttributes(IlvNumerals num,
IlvSwapping swap,
IlvLayoutDirection dir,
IlvShaping shape,
IlvWordBreak wbreak);
The following member function retrieves the default values of the bidirectional attributes used by an object. No resource allocation is performed. The pointers passed as its parameters must point to places in memory that are already allocated. You can also provide a null pointer. In this case, the corresponding attribute is ignored:
IlBoolean getBidiAttributes(IlvNumerals* num,
IlvSwapping* swap,
IlvLayoutDirection* dir,
IlvShaping* shape,
IlvWordBreak* wbreak) const;
The following function determines whether the object uses default bidirectional attributes:
IlBoolean hasDefaultBidiAttributes() const;

Version 5.7
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