About This Tutorial > Notation
Typographic Conventions
The following typographic conventions apply throughout this manual:
*Code extracts and file names are written in courier typeface.
*Entries to be made by the user are written in courier italics.
*Some words in italics, when seen for the first time, may be found in the glossary at the end of this manual.
Naming Conventions
Throughout this manual, the following naming conventions apply to the API.
*The names of types, classes, functions, and macros defined in the Rogue Wave® Views libraries begin with Ilv.
*The names of classes as well as global functions are written as concatenated words with each initial letter capitalized.
class IlvDrawingView;
*The names of virtual and regular methods begin with a lowercase letter; the names of static methods start with an uppercase letter. For example:
virtual IlvClassInfo* getClassInfo() const;
static IlvClassInfo* ClassInfo*() const;

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.