リリース・ノート - バージョン 5.0.1 > バージョン 5.0 以降修正されたパッチ
バージョン 5.0 以降修正されたパッチ
PATCH 50.0001
「説明」:Views 4.02 forces the use of buffered drawing operations on gadget containers.
「ライブラリー」:views, ilvgadgt, ilvmgr
「パッケージ」:foundation, manager
PATCH 50.0002
「説明」:Menu Items of combo boxes may stay on the screen when using the 'fade item' feature of Windows.
PATCH 50.0003
「説明」:On X11, IlvAbstractView::setSensitive doesn't propagate to its children views.
PATCH 50.0004
「説明」:[dialogs] IlvFileBrowser::setFileName is no longer taken into account since patch 40.2045
PATCH 50.0005
「説明」:Error with serialization of boolean values.
「ライブラリー」:ilvcharts, ilvgantt, ilvgrapher, ilvproto, ilvweb, views
「パッケージ」:charts, gantt, grapher, protos, web, foundation
PATCH 50.0006
「説明」:Last page may be previewed several times.
PATCH 50.0007
「説明」:[layout] quadtree errors when using IlvBus Layout::setBus method.
[layout] no pragma which force the library link on PC
include/ilviews/layout/macros.h, include/ilviews/layout/bus.h, include/ilviews/layout/hierarchical.h, include/ilviews/layout/orthlink.h, include/ilviews/layout/random.h, include/ilviews/layout/tree.h
「パッケージ」:layout, appframe
PATCH 50.0008
「説明」:stretchBitmapData does not work in 8 bits.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews, winviews
PATCH 50.0009
「説明」:IlvFilterFlow tries to load an empty filter using modules.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews, winviews
PATCH 50.0010
「説明」:IlvIndexedBitmapData does not handle rectangular copy.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews, winviews
PATCH 50.0011
「説明」:The tiff streamer cannot save tiled indexed bitmap datas Read/Write callbacks are not always called in the Tiff streamer.Tiff streamer does not handle correctly border tiles.
PATCH 50.0012
「説明」:The Data Access application crashes at exit.
PATCH 50.0013
「説明」:It is impossible to hide the scrollbars in an IliDbStringList.
PATCH 50.0014
「説明」:[appframe] no pragma which force the library link on PC.
[appframe] Some .h files in the distrib cannot be parsed with the samples/appframe/synedit example.
[Appframe] The document save modifications dialog box is not triggered under UNIX under specific circumstances
その他のファイル:samples/appframe/synedit/src/synparse.cpp, include/ilviews/appframe/macros.h, include/ilviews/appframe/manager/macros.h, include/ilviews/appframe/grapher/macros.h, include/ilviews/appframe/wizard/macros.h
PATCH 50.0015
「説明」:[studio] The registered include files and libraries are not always properly taken into account during code generation.
PATCH 50.0016
「説明」:Studio.appli doesn't register the ilvproto dependancies.There are missing dependencies for prototype library
PATCH 50.0017
「説明」:IlvOutlinePolygon border is badly drawn with a large thickness
「ライブラリー」:winviews, views
PATCH 50.0018
「説明」:IlvArc:: contains may return wrong results under extreme conditions
PATCH 50.0019
「説明」:[manager] :cannot undo/redo IlvManagerMakeListLabelInteractor object creations
「ライブラリー」:ilvmgr, ilvgadmgr, ilvadvgadmgr
「パッケージ」:manager, gadgets
PATCH 50.0020
「説明」:The IlvParser class doesn't delete its variables.
PATCH 50.0021
「説明」:The old charts code was not updated after the studio code generation was modified in Views5.0
「ライブラリー」:views31, ilvstoldcharts31
PATCH 50.0022
「説明」:When Caps Lock is on on Windows, pressing a key + shift yields an event where _modifiers is IlvShiftModifier instead of 0
PATCH 50.0023
「説明」:IliDbTreeGadget is too slow when you have a lot of items
PATCH 50.0024
「説明」:Studio crash at exit
PATCH 50.0025
「説明」:Small defects with the dialog used to select the size of the printing in ivfstudio.
PATCH 50.0026
「説明」:[studio] The callbacks list in graphics inspector are not notified of the interactor changes.
PATCH 50.0027
「説明」:[appframe] Closing one of the containers opened on the document will trigger the prompt for saving the document.
PATCH 50.0028
「説明」:zoomable label potentially corrupts the world transformation on NT platforms
PATCH 50.0030
「説明」:Bad management of submenus with Windows Multiple Monitors feature
「ライブラリー」:ilvgadgt, ilvwlook, ilvw95look
PATCH 50.0031
「説明」:bad update of the attachments when a panel is resized at init time
[foundation] attached graphics may be badly resized when setting a guide limit.
PATCH 50.0032
「説明」:Crash after embedding a menu in a graphic handle.A tear off popup menu closes automatically after selection
「ライブラリー」:ilvgadgt, ilvmgr
「パッケージ」:foundation, manager
PATCH 50.0033
「説明」:IFC:XML bad encoding check for UTF-16 without signature and Wrong endian UTF-16 without signature.
PATCH 50.0034
「説明」:Palette clip conflict when previewing before printing.
PATCH 50.0035
「説明」:[Studio][Protos] Invisible graphics of the proto are made visible on edition
[protos] prstudio crashes when saving an .ilv file that contains a prototype that was previously removed from its library
PATCH 50.0036
「説明」:[prstudio] crash when removing the name of a protoinstance
[protos] cannot set a name to a protographic copy under ivfstudio
PATCH 50.0037
「説明」:[protos][studio] save proto library as crashes
PATCH 50.0038
「説明」:[Protos] 3.1 to 4.0 incompatibility:inherited values are hardcoded in 4.0 proto's description.
PATCH 50.0039
「説明」:IlvContainerGraphicHolder::setPropertyToGraphic leads to a free memory read.
「ライブラリー」:views, ilvadvgdt, ilvmgr
「パッケージ」:foundation, gadgets, manager
PATCH 50.0040
「説明」:PrStudio:cannot select an attribute name in an attribute parameter field.
PATCH 50.0041
「説明」:Cannot close the combo box menu using the Escape key.
PATCH 50.0042
「説明」:A pair of notify/watch accessor might not work as expected if the attribute attached to the watch accessor is untyped.
PATCH 50.0043
「説明」:[Studio]In some circumstance the apply button does not work fine.
PATCH 50.0044
「説明」:[windows] IlvWindowsDevice printing is affected by small/large fonts display settings.
PATCH 50.0045
「説明」:[printing] studio crashes when setting a dummy preview page.
[printing] missing localized printing.dbm file in the distribution.
その他のファイル:data/res/printing.rc, data/printing/locale/fr_FR.windows-1252/printing.dbm, data/printing/locale/fr_FR.ISO-8859-1/printing.dbm
「パッケージ」:gadgets, foundation
PATCH 50.0046
「説明」:[appframe] Alt Keyboard accelerator key is mapped to the IlvAltModifier (should be IlvMetaModifier).
PATCH 50.0047
「説明」:On Windows, it is not possible to return to English locale if ivfstudio is started in Japanese or Chinese.
その他のファイル:bin/res/i2dblock.rc, data/res/winviews.rc, data/iljscript/locale/fr_FR.windows-1252/gide.dbm, data/iljscript/locale/fr_FR.windows-1252/messages.js, studio/data/res/foundation.rc, studio/data/res/script.rc, studio/msvc6/ivfstudio.exe, studio/msvc7/ivfstudio.exe
PATCH 50.0048
「説明」:On Windows, it is not possible to return to English locale if ivfstudio is started in Japanese or Chinese.
PATCH 50.0049
「説明」:On Windows, it is not possible to return to English locale if ivfstudio is started in Japanese or Chinese.
PATCH 50.0050
「説明」:[Windows] The printing of opaque bitmaps is black.
PATCH 50.0051
「説明」:Problem with same messages defined in several dbm files with different languages.
PATCH 50.0052
「説明」:IlvMatrix does not show its tooltip after having shown an IlvGraphicMatrixItem tooltip.
PATCH 50.0053
「説明」:Crash when trying to export a table schema from ivfstudio.
PATCH 50.0054
「説明」:IlvDisplay::colorTable doesn't properly handle mutable colors.
PATCH 50.0055
「説明」:Keyboard shortcuts are not invoked with minimized MDI views.
「ライブラリー」:views, ilvgadmgr, ilvadvgdt
「パッケージ」:foundation, manager, gadgets
PATCH 50.0056
「説明」:The IlvDisplayTestApi notification mechanisms works partially on Windows.
PATCH 50.0058
「説明」:Tooltips might not work on a transient view with no border (on Windows).
「ライブラリー」:winviews, views, ilvgadgt
PATCH 50.0060
「説明」:[studio][printing] Japanese locale causes ivfstudio to crash at print preview.
PATCH 50.0061
「説明」:The IliTableComboBox does not support the multi-display.
PATCH 50.0062
「説明」:[Windows] Labels are not displayed with correct font.
PATCH 50.0063
「説明」:Bad management of keyboard events in IlvViewFrame since Patch 50.00055
PATCH 50.0064
「説明」:Bad drawing of a notebook in Windows XP Look.
PATCH 50.0065
「説明」:ivfstudio may crash when creating and IlvFilteredGraphic on UNIX 8 bits display
PATCH 50.0066
「説明」:[IFC-WINDOWS]Test of write access on pathname with a blank always returns IlFalse.
PATCH 50.0067
「説明」:Several problems on Dockable Windows
「ライブラリー」:winviews, ilvadvgdt
「パッケージ」:foundation, gadgets
PATCH 50.0068
「説明」:Cannot trace the memory manager
PATCH 50.0069
「説明」:IlvDisplay::putBitmapData may not work on Windows after some drawings have been made in the bitmap.
PATCH 50.0070
「説明」:fr_FR.windows-1252/dvwizard.dbm file uses an incorrect encoding.
[appframe][dvwizard] The docking position of views is not taken into account.
[appframe] There are inconsistencies in the modality/transience of some dialog boxes.
その他のファイル:bin/data/appframe/dvwizard/locale/fr_FR.windows-1252/dvwizard.dbm, bin/data/appframe/dvwizard/locale/fr_FR.ISO-8859-1/dvwizard.dbm
PATCH 50.0071
「説明」:Bitmap streamers are not correctly registered.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews, winviews
PATCH 50.0072
「説明」:IlvWindowsDevice::setOrientation() has no effect, only the printer default configuration is used.
PATCH 50.0073
「説明」:[DvWizard][AppFrame] Deleting the "RecentProjects" command crashes the wizard.
PATCH 50.0074
「説明」:IlvRGBBitmapData::alphaCompose MMX code is not optimal.
PATCH 50.0075
「説明」:[Protos] IlvGroupInputFile badly reads double quoted values when the decimal symbol is ','.
PATCH 50.0076
「説明」:Bug in IlvText::getSelectedText in a multibyte environment.
PATCH 50.0077
「説明」:The generated Panel subclass constructor code (ivfstudio) is incorrect.
PATCH 50.0078
「説明」:IlvDisplay::colorTable might be called on Windows (depth usually > 8) after a 4 or 8 bits deep bitmap has been read.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews, winviews
PATCH 50.0079
「説明」:IlvMoveInteractor leaves a ghost upon click on a button different from IlvLeftButton.
PATCH 50.0080
「説明」:[AppFrame] generated project application may crash on IlvDvProjectDocument::activateItem.
PATCH 50.0081
「説明」:The drawing of 1-bit deep transparent bitmaps is incorrect after patch 402065.
PATCH 50.0082
「説明」:IlvDisplay::colorTable might be called on Windows (depth usually > 8) when saving a 4 or 8 bits deep bitmap.
PATCH 50.0083
「説明」:Impossible to choose different initial docking configurations for each view of an appframe document.
PATCH 50.0084
「説明」:IlvWritePBMBitmap may try to access the display colorTable while in TrueColors.
「ライブラリー」:winviews, mviews, xviews
PATCH 50.0085
「説明」:Drawing a bitmap is drawn with a palette that has an alpha value causes the memory use to increase (dll).
「ライブラリー」:winviews, ilvgdiplus
PATCH 50.0086
「説明」:IlvMarkingMenu does not delete all the windows upon creation.
PATCH 50.0087
「説明」:IlXmlParser does not parse correctly the <!DOCTYPE ... > tag
PATCH 50.0088
「説明」:[studio] Two sucessive commas are generated in the 'Panel Subclass' constructor.
PATCH 50.0089
「説明」:[Event player] The player does not play correctly when we move the slider of the scrollbar.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, winviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0090
「説明」:IlvSystemPort::GetBitmapData may crash when dealing with a masked bitmap.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews, winviews
PATCH 50.0091
「説明」:[AppFrame] Closing one of the two views associated to a document may not close the document.
PATCH 50.0092
「説明」:Cannot save custom events in the event player.
「ライブラリー」:winviews, mviews, xviews
PATCH 50.0093
「説明」:[Windows] IlvZoomableTransparentIcon cannot be rotated by 180 deg
IlvZoomableIcon can't be flipped.
IlvTransformer::isScale returns true for symmetries.
PATCH 50.0094
「説明」:[appframe] The ConfirmSave dialog box is not transient wrt the main window.
PATCH 50.0095
「説明」:Bad redraw when zooming in an area with a scale using crossing values and chart cursor.
PATCH 50.0096
「説明」:The dockable pane initiates a dragging operation on a ButtonDown event without checking which button is down.
PATCH 50.0097
「説明」:When replacing the whole text in a matrix cell, the first character may not be visible.
PATCH 50.0098
「説明」:[AppFrame] duplicate resource are generated when two actions share the same icon.
PATCH 50.0099
「説明」:[AppFrame] A crash may occur on UNIX when closing very fast frames from the 'More Windows' panel.
[AppFrame] Closing one of the two views associated to a document may not close the document.
PATCH 50.0100
「説明」:Deleting a menu item from the ivfstudio menu inspector turns the item into a separator.
PATCH 50.0101
「説明」:IliErrorMessage::getMessage() returns an empty string.
PATCH 50.0102
「説明」:Values (2, 1) for the stepsCount/subStepsCount in the IlvSingleScaleDisplayer causes a crash.
PATCH 50.0103
「説明」:DvWizard crashes when a new item is inserted in the menu bar of the generated application.
DvWizard :When the document (or view) class changes, the "derived from" field is reset to IlvDvDocument (or IlvDvTextView)
PATCH 50.0104
「説明」:The code generation does not work for IlvChartGraphic .
「ライブラリー」:ilvcharts, ilvgadgraph
「パッケージ」:charts, grapher
PATCH 50.0105
「説明」:Z Order of overlapping sibling windows is not portable across platforms
PATCH 50.0106
「説明」:An IlvChartGraphic with an IlvPieChartDisplayer read from an ILV file might not be updated properly when a point is added to one of its dataset.
PATCH 50.0107
「説明」:The header file of non IlvGadgetContainer base classes is not added to generated code.
「ライブラリー」:views, ilvstappli
「パッケージ」:foundation, gadgets
PATCH 50.0108
「説明」:[studio] [solaris] Delete key has no action when num lock is on.
PATCH 50.0109
「説明」:[appframe] appframe prompts for document reloading everytime it is reactivated.
PATCH 50.0110
「説明」: IlvCircularScale::draw uses a clip based on _drawrect instead of the object's bounding box.
PATCH 50.0111
「説明」:Studio doesn't generate the #include <ilviews/graphics/selector.h> line when an IlvSelector is used.
PATCH 50.0112
「説明」:Call to varargs functions must have explicitly typed arguments (HP 64 bits).
「ライブラリー」:ilvappframe, ilvappwizard
PATCH 50.0113
「説明」:IlvTransformedGraphic::applyTransform doesn't perform well on every objects.
PATCH 50.0114
「説明」:[gadgets] IlvMenuItem accelerators should ignore some modifiers (ex:numlock on solaris).
PATCH 50.0115
「説明」:[Windows] IlvSystemPort::fillPolyline may raise an error when drawing only one point.
PATCH 50.0116
「説明」:[Windows] it is not possible to print with the default printer without displaying the print Dialog.
PATCH 50.0117
「説明」:[gadgets] IlvIFileSelector does not match the UNIX behavior regarding relative paths.
PATCH 50.0118
「説明」:Problem with IlvPrintableComposite
PATCH 50.0119
「説明」:Clicking on an IliSimpleToggle makes the application crash.
PATCH 50.0120
「説明」:[studio] It is not possible to specify a baseclass without class information (no header in the generated file).
PATCH 50.0121
「説明」:IlvSwitchAccessor uses "delete []" to free memory allocated with new or malloc (FMM).
PATCH 50.0122
「説明」:The "16 bits" clipping done by Views before calling X11 drawing primitive is not enough to prevent XServer drawing oddities
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0123
「説明」:[gadgets] IlvNumberField may crash studio while reading back the min/max data (precision issue).
PATCH 50.0124
「説明」:[charts] Removing an scale from an IlvChartGraphic causes a crash.
PATCH 50.0125
「説明」:IlvReliefGauge doesn't register any "ClassCode" information.
PATCH 50.0126
「説明」:IlvStringList scrollbars adjusting produces unmatched up and down scrolls.
PATCH 50.0127
「説明」:Several sensitivity/focus problem on notebook and containers.
「ライブラリー」:ilvgadmgr, ilvgadgt
「パッケージ」:manager, foundation
PATCH 50.0128
「説明」:The "State" accessor in the "general" tab of the studio graphic inspector doesn't work properly.
PATCH 50.0129
「説明」:The generated code for Chart can crash when the format is static.
PATCH 50.0130
「説明」:The include for IlvChartLegend is not generated by studio.
PATCH 50.0131
「説明」:When a legend connected to a chart is removed from a studio buffer, the chart keeps refering to the legend.
PATCH 50.0132
「説明」: IlvSpinBox::setValue does return IlFalse on success since patch 40.2020 (BR 2001.189).
PATCH 50.0133
「説明」:The contents of the manager may be printed on the footer and header.
PATCH 50.0134
「説明」:Moving up and down datasets in chart inspector causes studio to crash.
PATCH 50.0135
「説明」:The Studio IlvToggleFilteredGraphicCommand does not consider an IlvGrapher buffer.
PATCH 50.0136
「説明」:Studio messages editor crashes (IlvMessagePanel bug).
PATCH 50.0137
「説明」:[studio] Remove data from the dataSet chart inspector does not refresh the last removed row.
PATCH 50.0138
「説明」:[studio] inspector crashes after having deleted a composite displayer.
PATCH 50.0139
「説明」:IlvChartScrollInteractor can get stuck when reaching the maximum and minimum values.
PATCH 50.0140
「説明」:After using IlvSingleScaleDisplayer::setStepLabels(), cannot come back to fixed steps.
PATCH 50.0141
「説明」:IlvGadgetItem does not display strings correctly in a multibyte locale.
「ライブラリー」:winviews, ilvgadgt
PATCH 50.0142
「説明」:Tooltips are not displayed on Windows in popup menus since patches 40.2114 and 50.0058.
PATCH 50.0143
「説明」:Studio should not allow to delete a panel class being used in an application notebook.
「ライブラリー」:ilvstappli, ivstudio
「パッケージ」:gadgets, foundation
PATCH 50.0144
「説明」:Wrong transparency computation on 16 bits displays.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0145
「説明」:Crash in studio when adding a displayer to a chart with no displayers.
PATCH 50.0146
「説明」:[pie] reading back a chart does not restore the pie slice labels font.
PATCH 50.0147
「説明」:bad redraw when zooming in an area with a scale using crossing values and chart cursor.
PATCH 50.0148
「説明」:(Unix) Paste error with getClipboard() through Exceed.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0150
「説明」:Grouping objects in a IlvSmarSet corrupts the focus chain.
PATCH 50.0151
「説明」:[studio] IlvStringList selection mode inspector does not work correctly since patch 50.0026.
「ライブラリー」:ilvadvgdt, ilvstgadget
PATCH 50.0152
「説明」:Visual Studio wizard crashes when creating a project with an IlvGrapher.
その他のファイル:tools/viewswiz50/viewswiz50.awx, tools/viewswiz50/viewswiz50.hlp
PATCH 50.0153
「説明」:Unsatisfied symbols from libilvmgr in libiljsgide.
PATCH 50.0154
「説明」:Matrix in Motif look and feel pastes twice at IlvButtonUp of right button.
PATCH 50.0155
「説明」:The sensitivity of gadgets added to IlvGadgetMatrixItems is not persistent.
PATCH 50.0156
「説明」:Using tooltips on gadgetItems with Motif may lead to a crash.
PATCH 50.0157
「説明」:[AppFrame] [windows] classinfo.odv is missing in the appframe.rc resource file.
PATCH 50.0158
「説明」:IlvModeNotOr and IlvModeNotAnd use incorrect logical functions of the GC (X11).
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0159
「説明」:the tm_isdst field isn't initialized by the JvConverter.
PATCH 50.0160
「説明」:[gadgets] [foundation] IlvMatrix crashes when deselecting a 5000 * 8 table.
PATCH 50.0161
「説明」:[variable] Bad behavior of the parser when the decimal symbol is ',' (comma).
PATCH 50.0162
「説明」:The IlvMakePolylineLInkInteractor hangs when one double-clicks outside a node.
PATCH 50.0163
「説明」:IlvManager::allIntersects only takes into account the visible layers.
PATCH 50.0164
「説明」:[prstudio] IlvAccessorParameter::getChoices() receives an (inconsistant) null IlvValueTypeClass object.
PATCH 50.0165
「説明」:Crash reading prototypes containing prototypes in a multidisplay environment.
PATCH 50.0166
「説明」:[matrix] Crash when selecting all rows of a 5000 * 8 table (bottom-up selection).
PATCH 50.0168
「説明」:IlvChartDragPointInteractor does not always take the validation constraint into account.
PATCH 50.0169
「説明」:An additional " appears when the prototype is saved in Views 5.0.
PATCH 50.0170
「説明」:Prototypes may not be able to retrieve properly their holder since patch 401118.
PATCH 50.0171
「説明」:A prototype edition buffer is not marked as modified when the values of the prototype are modified.
PATCH 50.0172
「説明」:[gadgets] Wrong gadget container background color in motif L&F.
PATCH 50.0173
「説明」:Portage on HP 64 bits
「ライブラリー」:dbgadget, dbaccess
PATCH 50.0174
「説明」:[printing] IlvPrintableGraphic does not print anything (bad transformer setting).
PATCH 50.0175
「説明」:[studio] Application panel inspector may not be refreshed properly and may lead to a crash.
PATCH 50.0176
「説明」:Guides/Splitters limits in IlvGanttChartForm do not depend on L&F.
PATCH 50.0177
「説明」:[protos] FMM in IlvGroupMediator::undoSubscription.
PATCH 50.0178
「説明」:Changing the values of a prototype that contains an IlvPrototypeAccessor might mess up the IlvGroupInspector.
PATCH 50.0179
「説明」:In some circumstances, Studio can crash when you add or remove a class from the application buffer.
PATCH 50.0180
「説明」:[Sutdio] When a panel instance is reset in the application buffer, possible subpanels are not taken into account.
PATCH 50.0181
「説明」:Using a displayer with child displayers, clicking its representation in the "Data sets" tab makes studio crash.
PATCH 50.0182
「説明」:New Feature:Disable the Marking Menu in Studio.
PATCH 50.0183
「説明」: IlvAbstractMatrix::scrollTo may not work as expected if the matrix has fixed rows.
PATCH 50.0184
「説明」:IlvChartGraphic::removeOrdinateScales doesn't empty the IlvAxisElement array.
PATCH 50.0185
「説明」:[ps print] wrong scaling factor for Japanese.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews, winviews
PATCH 50.0186
「説明」:IlvSingleScaleDisplayer::getCursorByName is not protected against unnamed cursors.
PATCH 50.0187
「説明」:Possible crash in Windows XP look & feel.
「ライブラリー」:ilvwxplook, ilvawxplook
「パッケージ」:foundation, gadgets
PATCH 50.0188
「説明」:FMR :an IlvCoordinateInfo that no longer exists is used during the IlvChartGraphic deletion.
PATCH 50.0189
「説明」:The data associated with the _ilvSelected symbol set on a chart graphic by the IlvChartSelectInteractor may be invalid.
PATCH 50.0190
「説明」:[Cursor] Label may not appear under some circumstances after patches 500.095 and 147.
PATCH 50.0191
「説明」:IlvFileBrowser should prompt a message if saving on an existing file.
PATCH 50.0192
「説明」:IlvGadget::computePalettes changes the IlvPalette instance if antialiasing is not IlvNoAntialiasingMode.
[gadgets] It is no longer possible to change the gadgetdefault colors using resources.
「ライブラリー」:views, winviews
PATCH 50.0193
「説明」:In some circumstances, Studio can generate an empty #include for an unknown container class.
PATCH 50.0194
「説明」:IliSimpleToggle edition does not work fine in the first column of a table gadget.
PATCH 50.0195
「説明」:IlvPrinterPreviewPort crashes drawing clipped transformed strings.
PATCH 50.0196
「説明」:[EventPlayer] Popup menus are not getting pointer moved events inside a modal window.
PATCH 50.0197
「説明」:IliFormat rounds a 5 in the decimal part as +0, not as +1.
PATCH 50.0198
「説明」:IlvPort::drawLabel with IlvCenter horizontal alignment might shift 1 pixel to the left.
PATCH 50.0199
「説明」:[Proto] Studio Inspector:need to validate on exit cell attribute, not just when hitting Return.
PATCH 50.0200
「説明」:Resized IlvZoomableLabels do not appear in the preview.
PATCH 50.0201
「説明」:IlvStereographicProjection and IlvTransverseMercatorProjection are incorrectly serialized.
PATCH 50.0202
「説明」:Tear-off menu doesn't get rid of the possible mnemonic in its title.
PATCH 50.0203
「説明」:[Cursor] Cursor is clipped to the data area since latest patches.
PATCH 50.0204
「説明」:[printing] Postscript page setup issue with color selector.
PATCH 50.0205
「説明」:[printing] Wrong clipping when printing a manager view in keep-ratio mode (default).
[printing] IlvRectangularScale does not print correctly.
「ライブラリー」:ilvprint, ilvmgrprint
「パッケージ」:foundation, manager
PATCH 50.0206
「説明」:[printing] Postscript options do not affect the preview and final ps file.
PATCH 50.0207
「説明」:[printing] IlvRectangularScale does not printed correctly.
「ライブラリー」:display, ilvprint
PATCH 50.0208
「説明」:Views does not handle Unicode clipboard strings correctly.
PATCH 50.0209
「説明」:[Protos] CTRL+M inspector shortcut on Solaris causes problems with the Enter numpad key (numlock off).
PATCH 50.0210
「説明」:[Printing] Preview is not updated when changing the page orientation.
[printing] Postscript options do not affect the preview and final ps file.
PATCH 50.0211
「説明」:IlvSystemPort::GetBitmapData does bad if rect not at 0, 0.
PATCH 50.0212
「説明」:[Printing] preview scrollbars do not support panel resizing.
PATCH 50.0213
「説明」: Removing a data point may cause a crash at
PATCH 50.0214
「説明」:Using a scale with number of steps == 1 may lead to a crash.
PATCH 50.0215
「説明」:[Pie chart] Floating point exception with a unique value equals to zero.
PATCH 50.0216
「説明」:IlvMatrix (with fixed rows)/IlvSheet does not scrolls to the first scrollable row with PageUp.
PATCH 50.0217
「説明」:The two accelerators based on the F6 key and that allow to navigate through a set of IlvViewFrame are swapped.
PATCH 50.0218
「説明」:Printing an IlvGanttChart to a printer produces an unclipped output.
PATCH 50.0219
「説明」:IliDbNavigator:The setSentive(IlTrue) method does not work for user buttons.
PATCH 50.0220
「説明」:IlvManager::allContains doesn't check the visibility of the objects stored in the highest layer.
PATCH 50.0221
「説明」:Crash in studio when modifying a scale property and adding a new scale before applying it.
PATCH 50.0222
「説明」:IlvMapCompass::computeNorths() does not check that the view transformer is null.
PATCH 50.0223
「説明」:IlvMapTileLoader ignore all features of tiles whose first featured is not be ignored.
PATCH 50.0224
「説明」:On Windows, points coordinates of polylines and polygons are still clipped to [SHRT_MIN/2 , SHRT_MAX/2].
PATCH 50.0225
「説明」:[Windows]ZoomableLabels:very different fonts after a rotation.
PATCH 50.0226
「説明」:IlvPrinterPreviewDialog::initData doesn't look for printing.dbm in the resource file.
「ライブラリー」:ilvprtdlg, ivstudio
その他のファイル:studio/data/res/ivfstudio.rc, studio/<pf>/ivfstudio<exeExt>
「パッケージ」:gadgets, foundation
PATCH 50.0227
「説明」:IlvPSColorDevice doesn't transform correctly colors into shades of gray.
PATCH 50.0228
「説明」:On Windows, IlvDisplay::getClipboard doesn't lock the pool of char allocated to store the data.
「ライブラリー」:ilvatext, ilvadvgdt, ilvmgr
「パッケージ」:gadgets, manager
PATCH 50.0229
「説明」:Printed out strings may appear slightly truncated.
PATCH 50.0230
「説明」:[Views 5.0] IlvZoomInteractor does not take the into account the default cursor given in the constructor.
PATCH 50.0231
「説明」:[AnnoText] Memory leak seen in the IlvATHtmlReader.
PATCH 50.0232
「説明」: IlvDvDocument::revert checks IlvDvMessageDialog::popup() result incorrectly.
「ライブラリー」:ilvappframe, ilvappmgr
PATCH 50.0233
「説明」:[X11]Memory leaks in X11 intialization.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0234
「説明」:[X11]Patch 50.0233 may cause a crash when the locale is not C.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0235
「説明」:[Windows] The Printer property dialog is not transient in ivfstudio.
PATCH 50.0236
「説明」:Bad performance when doing bulk appendRow/deleteRow updated connected to an IliChartGraphic or to a gadget with several data sources.
「ライブラリー」:dataccess, dbgadget
PATCH 50.0237
「説明」:Ivstudio may crash when a prototype instance is saved as an ActiveX.
「ライブラリー」:views, ilvstdynact
PATCH 50.0238
「説明」:IlvView objects do not receive focus in/out events with Motif libraries.
PATCH 50.0239
「説明」:[Protos][Regression] Studio crashes when deleting a prototype component from the Group Inspector panel.
PATCH 50.0241
「説明」:Scrolling an IlvSheet by clicking in the scrollable area of the scrollbar misses a row.
PATCH 50.0242
「説明」:Crash deleting the container from the "focus in" callback of a button.
PATCH 50.0243
「説明」:The event player cannot replay events in subwindows of modal views.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews
PATCH 50.0244
「説明」:Round rectangle right and lower edges are not printed in preview.
PATCH 50.0245
「説明」:[Studio] Layer names start with "Layer 1", but layer indexes in "Draw -> Layer" start at 0.
PATCH 50.0246
「説明」:SDO Object model access to database do not release IldRequest objects properly.
PATCH 50.0247
「説明」:Popup menu timer for hiding child popups fails if child popup has a child itself.
PATCH 50.0248
「説明」:[Gantt] [IlvRectangularScale] Scale ticks and grid do not match exactly.
PATCH 50.0249
「説明」:[Windows] Wrong font size since patch50.0225.
PATCH 50.0250
「説明」:[Windows] IlvZoomableIcon are not always printed correctly.
PATCH 50.0252
「説明」:Popup menu timer for hiding child popups fails if child popup has a child itself.
PATCH 50.0253
「説明」:IlvWindowsDevice::drawBitmap(pal, src, rect, point) is incorrect if the rectangle origin is not (0, 0).
PATCH 50.0254
「説明」:[X1] On the Sun French/Spanish keyboards, Circumflex and Diaresis are not handled in IlvTextField.
「ライブラリー」:xviews, mviews

Version 5.6
Copyright © 2012, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.