Rogue Wave Views 5.6

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IliSQLCursor Member List

This is the complete list of members for IliSQLCursor, including all inherited members.
defineParam(const char *paramName, const IliDatatype *type)IliSQLCursor
errorRaised() const IliSQLCursor
execute(const char *stmt, IlInt *pRowCount=0)IliSQLCursor
execute(IlInt *pRowCount=0)IliSQLCursor
getBinaryValue(IlInt colno) const IliSQLCursor
getBufferedRowsCount() const IliSQLCursor
getDateValue(IlInt colno) const IliSQLCursor
getDoubleValue(IlInt colno) const IliSQLCursor
getErrorMessage() const IliSQLCursor
getFloatValue(IlInt colno) const IliSQLCursor
getIntegerValue(IlInt colno) const IliSQLCursor
getOutputParam(IlInt paramno, IliValue &val) const IliSQLCursor
getParamIndex(const char *paramName) const IliSQLCursor
getParsedStatement() const IliSQLCursor
getRefCount() const IliRefCounted
getSchema() const IliSQLCursor
getSQLSession() const IliSQLCursor
getStringValue(IlInt colno) const IliSQLCursor
getValue(IlInt colno, IliValue &val)IliSQLCursor
hasTuple() const IliSQLCursor
isNull(IlInt colno) const IliSQLCursor
lock() const IliRefCounted
parse(const char *stmt, IlBoolean useBoundVars=IlTrue)IliSQLCursor
select(const char *stmt)IliSQLCursor
setBufferedRowsCount(IlInt count)IliSQLCursor
setParam(IlInt paramno, const IliValue &val)IliSQLCursor
unLock() const IliRefCounted
~IliRefCounted()IliRefCounted [protected, virtual]
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