Layout Algorithms > Bus Layout
Bus Layout
In this section, you will learn about the Bus Layout algorithm from the Rogue Wave Views Graph Layout package (class IlvBusLayout from the library ilvbus).
Here is a sample drawing produced with the Bus Layout:
Figure 4.41    Bus Topology Produced with the Bus Layout using the No Ordering Option
What Types of Graphs?
*Bus network topologies (a set of nodes connected to a bus object)
Application Domains
Application domains of the Bus Layout include:
*Telecom and networking (LAN diagrams)
*Electrical engineering (circuit block diagrams)
*Industrial engineering (equipment/resource control charts)
*Displays bus topologies.
*Takes into account the size of the nodes so that no overlapping occurs.
*Provides several ordering options. The nodes can be arranged on the bus by height, in a user-defined order, or in an arbitrary order.
*Allows easy customization of the dimensional parameters.

Version 5.6
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