Introducing the Graph Layout Package > Rogue Wave Views Graph Layout in User Interface Applications
Rogue Wave Views Graph Layout in User Interface Applications
Many fields use graph drawings and graph layouts in user interface applications. Therefore, the Rogue Wave Views Graph Layout package is particularly well-suited for these kinds of applications. The following is a list of some of the fields where the graph layout capabilities of the Graph Layout package can be used:
*Telecom and Networking
*LAN Diagrams (Bus Layout)
*Electrical Engineering
*Logic Diagrams (Hierarchical Layout)
*Circuit Block Diagrams (Hierarchical Layout, Orthogonal Link Layout, Bus Layout)
*Industrial Engineering
*Industrial Process Charts (Hierarchical Layout)
*Schematic Design Diagrams (Orthogonal Link Layout, Hierarchical Layout)
*Equipment/Resource Control Charts (Bus Layout, Orthogonal Link Layout)
*Business Processing
*Workflow Diagrams (Hierarchical Layout)
*Process Flow Diagrams (Hierarchical Layout)
*Organization Charts (Tree Layout)
*Entity Relation Diagrams (Orthogonal Link Layout)
*PERT Charts (Hierarchical Layout)
*Software Management/Software (Re-)Engineering
*UML Diagrams (Hierarchical Layout, Tree Layout)
*Flow Charts (Hierarchical Layout)
*Data Inspector Diagrams (Orthogonal Link Layout, Hierarchical Layout)
*Call Graphs (Hierarchical Layout, Tree Layout)
*CASE Tools
*Design Diagrams (Orthogonal Link Layout, Hierarchical Layout)
*Data Base and Knowledge Engineering
*Decision Trees (Tree Layout)
*Database Query Graphs (Hierarchical Layout)
*The World Wide Web
*Web Site Maps (Tree Layout)

Version 5.6
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