Setting Up Data Access > Data Access Installation and Configuration
Data Access Installation and Configuration
This section explains how to install Data Access on various platforms. For the latest list of platforms on which you can use Data Access, see the table in the README file delivered with the product.
Installation Directories
We assume that you have already installed all needed packages and products. We also assume that the products have been installed in the following directories:
For UNIX users:
*Rogue Wave Views: /usr/roguewave/viewsXX (where XX stands for the version number)
*Rogue Wave Views DB Link: /usr/roguewave/dblinkXX (where XX stands for the version number)
*Data Access: /usr/roguewave/viewsXX (where XX stands for the version number)
For Windows XP or Windows Vista users:
*Rogue Wave Views: C:\Rogue Wave\VIEWSXX (where XX stands for the version number)
*Rogue Wave Views DB Link: C:\Rogue Wave\DBLINKXX (where XX stands for the version number)
*Data Access: C:\Rogue Wave\VIEWSXX (where XX stands for the version number)
If this is not the case, please replace subsequent references to these directories with your actual installation directory.
Please refer to the README file delivered with Data Access to determine which versions of Rogue Wave® Views DB Link and Rogue Wave Views are required with the version of Data Access you are using.

Version 5.6
Copyright © 2012, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.