Overview > General Procedures > How to Create an Application
How to Create an Application
Creating an application consists of creating an application file that has an .iva extension. Here is the procedure for creating this file:
1. Choose New > Application from the File menu. The Buffer Type area displays Application.
2. Choose Save from the File menu. A file selection dialog box appears in which you can specify the name and directory of the application file. Application files are saved with the .iva file extension.
3. To change the application properties, choose Application Inspector from the Application menu. or click the Application Inspector button . The Application Inspector panel appears for you to edit.
*On the General page, enter the following information:
Class—Type a valid C++ name for the application, then press Apply.
Base Class—If you enter a new base class, it must be a subclass of IlvApplication.
File Name—Contains the name of the file where you saved your application.
Directories—The directories chosen here are also used for the panel class files, unless you override them in the Panel Class inspector.
By default, the application file directories are set to the current directory; that is, the directory from which Rogue Wave Views Studio was launched. The Data directory field designates the directory where the application .iva file is saved. This field is read-only and is updated when the Save As... command is used.
System—Use the combo box in the System field and the Motif toggle button to choose the system corresponding to your system. Note that the Motif toggle button is only displayed when an X Window system is selected.
*On the Options page, enter the following information:
Exit—Select to generate an Exit button in a separate panel that allows you to terminate the application.
main()—Select to generate a main function in the source file.
Make—Select to generate a make file for compiling and testing the generated source code.
Panel Accessors —Select to generate a member function for each panel instance.
Include in Header— Select to include the header of the panel classes in the application header file.
Bitmap Readers—Select the formats of bitmaps that you may wish to load into the application.
4. If necessary, click the Header and Source pages of the Application Inspector to specify code that should be added to the application header and source files.
5. If you are using jsstudio or an extension of jsstudio, click the Script page to specify whether you want to use Rogue Wave Script and the file you want to load.
6. Click the Apply button to save any changes and the Close button to quit the inspector.

Version 5.6
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