Rogue Wave Views Data Access Common Framework > Tables > Specialized Table Subclasses > IliMapTable
The IliMapTable class defines one-tier tables with two columns, the first column being of type integer and the second of type string. It is similar to the IliMemoryTable class, with the following exceptions:
*Its schema is fixed and cannot be changed.
*It is read-only. Its rows are given at construction time and cannot be changed afterwards.
*It supports Rogue Wave Views messages so that the values in the second column can be automatically translated before being displayed. See the setLanguageSensitive member function.
Here is an example of how the IliMapTable class can be used:
IlvDisplay* dpy;
IliDataSource* ds;
static IliMapEntry entries[] = {
1, “red”,
2, “green”,
3, “blue”,
IliMapTable* tbl = new IliMapTable(dpy, entries);
ds->setTable(tbl, IlTrue);
Objects of this class can be defined only through the C++ API.

Version 5.6
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