Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Rogue Wave Views Studio Data Access Gadgets > The Palettes Panel > SQL Tables
SQL Tables
When you select SQL Tables under Data Access on the Palettes panel, the lower pane is empty.
Click the button to open the Connect dialog box. After you type your name, password, and the connection options, the user-created SQL database tables appear in the lower pane. You can drag the tables from the pane, drop them in the Gadgets buffer window, then double-click a SQL data source gadget to open the SQL Data Source inspector with the table already in place.
The SQL Tables palette has also an SQL Schema Editor toolbar with the following buttons:
Create table.
Drop selected table.
Edit schema of the selected table.
Edit data of the selected table.
Enable / disable SQL trace.
Export selected table.
Import selected table.

Version 5.6
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