Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Rogue Wave Views Studio Data Access Gadgets > The Palettes Panel > Data Access and SQL Gadgets
Data Access and SQL Gadgets
The gadgets illustrated below appear when you select Data Access or SQL Gadgets on the Palettes panel.
Use the above gadgets for the following purposes:
IliTableGadget — For editing tables.
IliDbField — For displaying data with a data source aware gadget whose appearance can be dynamically changed (to an entry field, toggle switch, and so on).
IliEntryField — For displaying text in a data source aware text field.
IliTableComboBox — For listing items in a data source aware popup menu and displaying the item chosen.
IliDbText — For displaying text in a data source aware multi-line scrollable text field.
IliDbToggle — For choosing between three states (True, False and null) with a data source aware toggle button.
IliToggleSelector — For selecting among any number of items using data source aware selector buttons.
IliDbNavigator — For creating a tool bar with buttons to navigate through rows and edit data in a data source table.
IliMemoryDataSource — For defining a local memory data source.
IliDbTimer — For calling a callback periodically
IliHTMLReporter — For generating an HTML document from a data source.
IliXML — For managing the communication between a datasource and an XML stream.
IliDbPicture — For displaying a picture in a data source aware gadget.
IliDbOptionMenu — For listing items in a data source aware popup menu and displaying the item chosen.
IliDbStringList — For displaying a list of labels in a data source aware multi-line string list.
IliDbTreeGadget — For displaying the contents of a data source in a tree gadget based on a parent/child relationship.
IliSQLDataSource — For providing a link to an SQL database from which a table is defined and displayed.

Version 5.6
Copyright © 2012, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.