Using the Charts Library > The IlvXMLChartData Class > Tags Definition > property
<series id=”X_DS_C”>
<property name=”period”>5</property>
The <property> tag is used to declare properties which are processed by a property reader object (see the IlvXMLPropertyReader class). The object should be registered to the IlvXMLChartData object through the registerPropertyReader() method prior for the specified property name to parsing the XML file (see parse()).
When the IlvXMLChartData object encounters a property, it checks if a property reader object was registered for the specified property name. If this is the case, it will call the reader readProperty() virtual method and store the returned IlvXMLProperty object. Once the parsing is completed, the IlvXMLChartData object will invoke the reader setProperty() virtual method, passing it the IlvChartDataSet which is being built.
It is up to the user to create his own property reader classes by deriving from IlvXMLPropertyReader and overriding the readProperty() and setProperty() methods according to his needs.
turns an IlXmlElement into an IlvXMLProperty
performs an operation on an IlvChartDataSet being given a property name and its value.
Note that the IlvXMLProperty class is also extensible.

Version 5.6
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