Using the Charts Library > Chart Basics > General Architecture of the Charts Library > Data Classes
Data Classes
The base class used to represent a chart data object is the IlvAbstractChartData class. A subclass called IlvMemoryChartData that stores the data sets it manages in memory is provided in the library.
The data sets managed by a chart data object are all instances of subclasses of the IlvChartDataSet class. Several subclasses of the IlvChartDataSet class are provided to allow you to define a set of data to be displayed by a chart in different ways. A data set can be defined as:
*A set of points with two coordinates
This kind of data set is represented by an instance of the IlvChartPointSet class. The data points managed by this data set are instances of the IlvDoublePoint class that allows you to represent a point with two coordinates of the IlvDouble type.
*A set of values
This kind of data set is represented by an instance of the IlvChartYValueSet class. The data values managed by this data set are of the IlvDouble type. These values correspond to the ordinates of the data points that will be displayed. The abscissa of the data points are by definition the indexes of the stored values.
*A function
This kind of data set is represented by an instance of a subclass of the IlvAbstractChartFunction class. Two subclasses are available in the library: IlvCallbackChartFunction for which the function is defined by a C++ callback and IlvScriptChartFunction for which the function is defined by a script.

Version 5.6
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