Rogue Wave Views Gadgets > Customizing the Look and Feel > Creating a New Look-and-Feel Handler > Registering Object Look-and-Feel Handlers Into a New Look-and-Feel Handler
Registering Object Look-and-Feel Handlers Into a New Look-and-Feel Handler
To register object look-and-feel handlers into a new look-and-feel handler, you can either:
*override the createObjectLFHandler method or
*use the IlvRegisterObjectLFHandler macro.
For example, by using the IlvRegisterObjectLFHandler macro, you can code in the definition file:
IlvRegisterObjectLFHandler(MyLookFeelHandler, IlvButton, MyButtonLFHandler);
This will register the object look-and-feel handler class MyButtonLFHandler into the look-and-feel handler MyLookFeelHandler for the IlvButton class. This means that when an IlvButton object that has the look-and-feel MyLookFeelHandler tries to retrieve its object look-and-feel handler, it will get a pointer on a MyButtonLFHandler instance.

Version 5.6
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