Creating GUI Applications with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Extending Rogue Wave Views Studio > Extending Rogue Wave Views Studio: An Example
Extending Rogue Wave Views Studio: An Example
The example in this section shows how to create an editor that associates predefined callbacks with any graphic object. loadilv is a predefined callback that takes the name of the file to be loaded as a parameter. This name is stored in graphic objects as a property.
The first task is to derive a class from IlvGadgetManager to redefine read and write for storing and restoring the new property. This part is not described here. We assume that you have a class MyManager that saves objects with the descriptor MyGadgetManagerOutput and a class MyContainer restoring objects saved by MyManager.
Follow these steps to extend the editor:
1. Defining a New Buffer associated with the new manager and container.
2. Defining a New Command to create a buffer of the new type.
3. Defining a New Panel to associate the file name with objects.

Version 5.6
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