Creating GUI Applications with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Editing Applications > The Application Inspector > The Options Page
The Options Page
The Options page of the Application inspector is illustrated below:
Figure 3.5    Options Page of the Application Inspector
The Options page contains the following fields:
Exit  An Exit button, in a separate panel, can be activated when you run the generated application. This provides you with a simple way to quit the application. Select this toggle button if you want to set the Exit button.
main()  Select this toggle button if you want Rogue Wave Views Studio to generate a simple main function in the application source file. If the generated application class is Testapp, and the application file base name is myappli, the main function looks like this:
main(int argc, char* argv[])
Testapp* appli = new Testapp("myappli", 0, argc, argv);
if (!appli->getDisplay())
return -1;
return 0;
Make  Select this toggle button if you want a simple make file to be generated.
Panel Accessors   A panel accessor is a member function of the generated application that lets you access a particular panel of your application. If you check the Panel Accessors toggle button, Rogue Wave Views Studio generates a member function for each panel instance. The member function has the following signature:
MyPanelClass* getMyPanelInstance() const;
where MyPanelClass is the type of panel instance named MyPanelInstance. The names of your panels must be valid C++ names.
Include in Header   In the generated code of an application, the header files generated for the panel classes of the application must be included. The necessary #include statements can be generated in the application header file or in the application source file. If you want to generate the panel accessors (the Panel Accessors toggle button is checked), the headers of the panel classes need to be included in the application header file. In this case, the Include In Header toggle button is unavailable, since you have no choice. Otherwise, the #include statements can be generated in the application source file instead of the application header file. To minimize the compilation dependencies of your whole application, do not check this toggle button.
Bitmap Readers
The bottom part of the Options page contains information on bitmap readers. The toggle buttons in this part of the inspector let you explicitly register predefined bitmap readers in the generated code.

Version 5.6
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