Rogue Wave Views 5.5.1

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IlvEllipsoid Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlvEllipsoid, including all inherited members.
ALessThanZero()IlvEllipsoid [static]
copy() const IlvEllipsoid
CPM()IlvEllipsoid [static]
createASphere() const IlvEllipsoid
createASphere(IlDouble phi) const IlvEllipsoid
createGSphere() const IlvEllipsoid
createGSphere(IlDouble phi) const IlvEllipsoid
createHSphere() const IlvEllipsoid
createSphereOfSameArea() const IlvEllipsoid
createSphereOfSameVolume() const IlvEllipsoid
equivalent(const IlvEllipsoid *e) const IlvEllipsoid
ESFromFlattening(IlDouble f)IlvEllipsoid [static]
ESFromPolarRadius(IlDouble a, IlDouble b)IlvEllipsoid [static]
ESGreaterThanOne()IlvEllipsoid [static]
ESLessThanZero()IlvEllipsoid [static]
getA() const IlvEllipsoid
getB() const IlvEllipsoid
getComment() const IlvEllipsoid
getError() const IlvEllipsoid
getES() const IlvEllipsoid
getName() const IlvEllipsoid
GetRegisteredEllipsoid(const char *name)IlvEllipsoid [static]
GetRegisteredEllipsoids(IlUInt &count)IlvEllipsoid [static]
IlvEllipsoid(IlDouble radius, IlDouble eccentricity=0.0, const char *name=0, const char *comment=0)IlvEllipsoid
isBad() const IlvEllipsoid
isSphere() const IlvEllipsoid
Load(IlvInputFile &, IlvMapsError *=0)IlvEllipsoid [static]
save(IlvOutputFile &outputFile) const IlvEllipsoid
SGS85()IlvEllipsoid [static]
SPHERE()IlvEllipsoid [static]
WGS60()IlvEllipsoid [static]
WGS66()IlvEllipsoid [static]
WGS72()IlvEllipsoid [static]
WGS84()IlvEllipsoid [static]

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