Accessors for class IlvTreeGadgetItem




This class represents an item of an IlvTreeGadget. The IlvTreeGadget displays a tree composed of IlvTreeGadgetItem objects.
Each IlvTreeGadgetItem has a certain number of children. An IlvTreeGadgetItem may be expanded or not. When the item is expanded, its children are displayed, and if an expanded bitmap has been provided, it is used.

Voiddetach()Removes the item from its tree.
BooleanexpandedShrinks or expands the item.
Returns true if the item is expanded, otherwise it returns false.
BitmapexpandedBitmapSets or returns the bitmap that is associated with the expanded state.
IlvTreeGadgetItemfirstChildReturns the first child of the tree gadget item if there is one. Otherwise, returns NULL.
BooleanhasChildrenReturns true if the item has children. Otherwise, returns false.
BooleanisAncestorOf(IlvTreeGadgetItem item)Returns true if the specified tree gadget item is an ancestor of item. Returns false otherwise.
BooleanisFirstReturns true if the tree gadget item is the first child of its parent. Otherwise, returns false.
BooleanisLastReturns true if the tree gadget item is the last child of its parent. Otherwise, returns false.
IlvTreeGadgetItemlastChildReturns the last child of the tree gadget item if it has at least one child. Otherwise, function returns NULL.
ObjectnextSelectedReturns the next selected tree gadget item from this item.
ObjectnextSiblingReturns the next sibling of the tree gadget item.
IlvTreeGadgetItemnextVisibleReturns the next visible tree gadget item.
ObjectparentReturns the parent of the tree gadget item. May return NULL if the item is the root of the tree.
ObjectprevSiblingReturns the previous sibling of the tree gadget item.
ObjectprevVisibleReturns the previous visible tree gadget item.
Voidshrink()Shrinks the item.
BooleanvisibleReturns true if the tree gadget item is visible. The item is visible if all its ancestors are expanded. This property may return true even if the item is not in the visible area of the tree.