Accessors for class IlvScrolledGadget




IlvScrolledGadget is an abstract gadget class that handles scroll bars. It is the base class for all gadgets that use scroll bars.

UIntbottomMarginReturns the bottom margin.
VoidfitToContents()Resizes the object so that the scrollable area is entirely visible.
BooleanhorizontalScrollbarShows or hides the horizontal scroll bar.
BooleanhorizontalScrollbarAsNeededSets or gets the state of the horizontal scroll bar. If horizontalScrollbarAsNeeded is set to true, then the horizontal scroll bar is visible only when required. It can appear or disappear when adding or removing items.
DirectionhorizontalScrollbarPositionSets or gets the position of the horizontal scroll bar.
UIntleftMarginReturns the left margin.
UIntrightMarginReturns the right margin.
UInttopMarginReturns the top margin.
BooleanverticalScrollbarShows or hides the vertical scroll bar.
BooleanverticalScrollbarAsNeededSets or gets the state of the vertical scroll bar. If verticalScrollbarAsNeeded is set to true, then the vertical scroll bar is visible only when required. It can appear or disappear when adding or removing items.
DirectionverticalScrollbarPositionSets or gets the position of the vertical scroll bar.