Accessors for class IlvAbstractMatrix



This gadget class is an abstract class that can draw any object in a rectangular grid.
The IlvAbstractMatrix class can draw items that are placed on multiple continuous rows or columns. A cell is an item that is drawn on multiple rows or columns. Scroll bars can be attached to the gadget. You can also set a number of fixed columns and fixed rows.

BooleanallowCellModeReturns and sets the internal flag allowCellMode specifying whether IlvAbstractMatrix can draw items on several continuous rows or columns (true) or not (false). By default, the flag is set to false.
UIntcolumnCountReturns the number of columns in the matrix.
BooleanfillBackgroundSets the background filling state.
Returns true if the matrix fills the background of the cells when displayed. It returns false if the matrix does not paint the cells' background. The default value is true.
UIntfixedColumnCountSets and returns the number of fixed columns. Fixed columns are continuous columns from 0 to fixedColumnCount-1. Fixed columns are always visible, and they do not scroll.
UIntfixedRowCountSets and returns the number of fixed rows. Fixed rows are continuous rows from 0 to fixedRowCount-1. Fixed rows are always visible, and they do not scroll.
BooleanhorizontalScrollbarShows or hides the horizontal scroll bar.
BooleanhorizontalScrollbarAsNeededSets and returns the state of the horizontal scroll bar. When true is returned, the scroll bar is only shown when required. It appears or disappears as rows and columns are added or removed from the matrix.
UIntrowCountReturns the number of rows in the matrix.
BooleanshowGridSets the grid display flag. Returns true if the matrix draws a grid around the items, and false if it does not.
BooleanuseReliefSets the visibility state of the relief rectangle. Returns true if this matrix is displayed inside a relief rectangle, and false if it is not.
BooleanverticalScrollbarShows or hides the vertical scroll bar.
BooleanverticalScrollbarAsNeededSets and returns the state of the vertical scroll bar. When true is returned, the scroll bar is only shown when required. It appears or disappears as rows and columns are added or removed from the matrix.