Accessors for class IliDbPicture



The IliDbPicture class defines a gadget that can display a picture. This gadget can be connected to a data source.

BooleanadjustStretches the bitmap in the rectangle of the gadget if the property is true.
DirectionalignmentContains the alignment of the bitmap. Its string value can be one of the following: left, center, or right.
StringbitmapNameContains the bitmap name that is displayed by the gadget.
StringcolumnNameContains the name of the column that contains the bitmap names.
IliDataSourcedataSourceContains the data source object. This property cannot be written to if the dataSourceName property is not empty. In other words, the data source can be specified either literally through the dataSource property or by name through the dataSourceName property, but not both.
StringdataSourceNameContains the data source name.
BooleaninputModifiedThis property is true if the value has been changed by the end
StringvalueContains the value of the gadget. The type of this property is String.
DatatypevalueTypeContains the data type of the value. It is always String as the value of this gadget is the name of the bitmap it holds.