Scoped Properties
There is a containment relationship between the different types of parts of a table:
A given row may contain a given cell.
A given column may contain a given cell.
The whole table contains all columns, all rows, and all cells.
Consequently, in addition to the properties that are attached to a given part, there may be properties attached to containing parts.
A given part is said to have a given scoped property if it has this property or if one of the parts in which it is contained has a scoped property with this name.
Note that the scoped property value of a part is the value of the property closest to the part. In the case of a conflict, if a given cell does not have a property but both the row and the column of the cell have a property with that name, the property of the row takes precedence.
The order of precedence for scoped properties lookup is as follows:
The whole table
Version 5.5.1
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