Using Charts with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Introducing Charts in Rogue Wave Views Studio > Using the Chart Inspector > Chart Inspector Icons
Chart Inspector Icons
The name of each icon in the Chart inspector appears as a tooltip when you hold the mouse pointer on the icon.
Add icon  Creates a new item after the selected item. Depending on the notebook page where you are working, clicking this icon adds a data set in the Data sets list, a row in a data table, a displayer in the Displayers list, an ordinate scale in the Scales list, or a label on the Scales/Steps page when “Labels” is selected in the Step definition list.
Insert icon  Creates a new item before the selected item. Depending on the notebook page where you are working, clicking this icon inserts a new data set before the selected data set in the Data sets list, a new row before the selected row in a data table, a new displayer before the selected displayer in the Displayers list, a new ordinate scale before the selected ordinate scale in the Scales list, or a new label before the selected label on the Scales/Steps page when “Labels” is selected in the Step definition list.
Clean icon  This icon has the same name and effect in all the Chart inspector pages. Clicking this icon clears the contents of the field above. For example, it allows you to clear a data table. All the rows of the data table are erased at one time when you click this icon.
Move up/Move down icons  Move the selected item up or down in a list.
Remove icon  Erases the selected item. Depending on the notebook page where you are working, clicking this icon erases the selected data set, data row, displayer, ordinate scale, or step label from the corresponding list.

Version 5.5.1
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