Server API Reference Guide |
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CIlsMvEndPoint::ConnectionListener | Class used to listen disconnections |
CIlsInvertedRelationList< TargetType, OriginType >::ConstIterator | Const iterator |
CIlsAttributeDef | An IlsAttributeDef object defines the runtime visibility and access to an attribute (usually an entry or a derived data member) of a server object type |
CIlsDerived< HolderType, DerivedType, Evaluator > | Data member whose value depends on other data |
CIlsDerived< IlsDynDerivedHolder, IlsMvValue, DynDerivedEvaluator > | |
CIlsDictionary< ValueType > | Class for storing objects of a given type with an identifier |
CIlsDictionary< IlsDynObject > | |
CIlsDynAttribute | This abstract class defines the interface of dynamic attributes |
CIlsDynAttributeFactory | This class is used by to instantiate a new dynamic attribute |
CIlsDynAttributes | This abstract class is the base class for the collection of attributes of a dynamic object |
CIlsDynModelInterpreter | This class allows you to declare a dynamic model in a Rogue Wave Server application |
CIlsDynObjectFactory | This factory allows you to instantiate your own dynamic object instead of using the class IlsDynObject |
CIlsDynRelation | This abstract class defines the interface of dynamic relations |
CIlsDynRelationFactory | This class is used to instantiate a new dynamic relation |
CIlsDynRelations | This abstract class is the base class for the collection of relations of a dynamic object |
►CIlsEntity | The class IlsEntity is a base class for classes declaring server data members: derived data members, entry data members, and relations |
CIlsEntry< EntryType > | Class for notifiable data members |
CIlsEntry< IlsMvValue > | |
►CIlsException | This class is the base class for all exceptions thrown in the Server library |
CIlsFunctionDef | An IlsFunctionDef object defines the runtime visibility and access to a member function of a server object type or a global function |
CIlsHashKeyManager | This class is used with set-relations |
CIlsIndexedPartial< HolderType, TargetType, Relation > | This class is an intermediate class that stores array elements |
►CIlsListRelation | Base class for list relations |
CIlsListRelationConstIterator< RelationList > | Relation list const iterator |
CIlsListRelationIterator< RelationList > | List iterator |
CIlsListRelationPosition< RelationList > | This class sets an iterator to a given position |
CIlsLock | This class lets you manipulate global locks within a transaction |
CIlsLogfile | This class can be used to display messages to the user |
CIlsModel | This class lets you check the integrity of an object structure and set write access to objects |
CIlsModelInterpreter | This class implements the runtime interpreter of server object models |
►CIlsMTBase | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – This is the base class of all thread utility classes |
Cjavascript::IlsMvComponent | IlsMvComponent JavaScript proxy |
►CIlsMvComponentFactory | This class is the factory class used to create instances of the IlsMvComponent class |
CIlsMvDataType | Defines the type of attributes that is attached to a representation object model |
►CIlsMvEndPoint | This class is the base class for any component connected to a dynamic view server and for the interface of these components as handled by the server |
►CIlsMvEndPointFactory | This class is the front interface of the component factories of Server, The components are IlsMvComponent and IlsMvComponentItf instances, created by the factories IlsMvEndPointFactory, IlsSrvEndPointFactory and IlsMvComponentFactory |
CIlsMvFile | This class is used to transmit the name and contents of a file from the server to the component |
►CIlsMvProcess | The class IlsMvProcess implements a set of functions needed by any Rogue Wave Server component or server process |
CIlsMvRef | This class is used to transmit references of representation objects between a component and a server |
Cjavascript::IlsMvServer | Acts as a proxy to the running dynamic view server of the application |
►CIlsMvServer | This class lets you define dynamic view servers |
CIlsMvServerFactory | This class is a factory class used to create instances of the class IlsMvServer |
CIlsMvTimeManager | This singleton manages the current timer used by the dynamic view that exploits the currentTime view attribute |
Cjavascript::IlsMvUser | IlsMvUser JavaScript proxy |
CIlsMvUserFactory | Factory class that applies to instances of the class IlsMvUser |
►CIlsMvUserType | This class is the base class for all user-defined types |
CIlsMvValue | This class encapsulates the value of the runtime attributes attached to representation objects |
►CIlsObject | The class IlsObject is a base class for all classes declaring server data members: derived data members, entries, and relations |
CIlsObjectType | Defines the runtime visibility and access of a server object type (a subtype of the class IlsObject or IlsEntity ) |
►CIlsOptionalRelation | Base class for relation that may be optional or mandatory |
CIlsPartial< HolderType, TargetType, Relation > | This class is an intermediate class that stores list items |
►CIlsRefCounted | Base class for object with reference counting used by IlsSmartPointer |
CIlsRelationDef | An IlsRelationDef object defines the runtime visibility and access to a relation of a server object type |
Cjavascript::IlsRepresentation | Implements the representations associated with each dynamic view in the server |
CIlsRpAttrModel | This class defines an attribute of a dynamic representation object model (see IlsRpObjModel ) |
CIlsRpModelInterpreter | This class is a runtime model interpreter used on the component side in Rogue Wave Server applications |
►CIlsRpObject | Base class for component side representation objects |
Cjavascript::IlsRpObject | The base class for any representation object |
►CIlsRpObjModel | This class defines the dynamic model of a representation object |
►CIlsRtModelParser | This class is a base class of IlsMvComponent |
CIlsRTTypes | Nesting types for AttributeKind and RelationKind |
CIlsRWLocker | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is a wrapper class that locks the readers/writer lock in the constructor or when the readers/writer lock is assigned, and unlocks the readers/writer lock in the destructor |
CIlsSafeLock | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class lets you manipulate global locks within a transaction |
CIlsSafeMutexLocker | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is a wrapper class that locks the mutex in the constructor or when the mutex is assigned, and unlocks the mutex in the destructor, if assigned |
CIlsScriptManager | This class is the Rogue Wave Server Script Manager |
Cjavascript::IlsServerRelation | This Rogue Wave Views Script class is a proxy for Rogue Wave Server n-ary relations |
Cjavascript::IlsServerRelationIterator | This Rogue Wave Views Script class is a proxy for an iterator on an Rogue Wave Server n-ary relation |
►CIlsSetContext< KeyType > | This template class is the base class for set-relations |
►CIlsSetContext< IlsString > | |
CIlsSetContextList< KeyType > | This class template is used to maintain the integrity of set-relations in which an object whose key is to be modified is involved |
CIlsSetContextList< IlsString > | |
►CIlsSetRelation | Base class of set relations |
CIlsSetRelationIterator< RelationSet > | Iterator class |
CIlsSmartDoublyLinkedList< V, K, KM > | This class provides a list of owned objects when a relation is created. This list must contain at least as many items as specified for the minimal cardinality |
CIlsSmartDoublyLinkedList< OriginTypeS, OriginTypeS, IlsBasicListKeyManager< OriginTypeS > > | |
CIlsSmartDoublyLinkedList< Partial *, OwnedTypeP, KeyManager > | |
CIlsSmartDoublyLinkedList< Partial *, UsedTypeP, KeyManager > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< PointedType > | This class lets you declare smart pointers to objects of a given type. Objects referenced by smart pointers are automatically destroyed when their reference counter drops to zero |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsDMHandlers > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsDynDerivedHolder > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsIdxMap > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsIOMsgStream > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMsgData > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMsgLocalPort > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMsgPort > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMsgRemotePort > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMsgStream > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMvConnect > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMvEndPoint > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMvUser > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsMvViewType > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsObject > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsRpModel > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsTimerManagerImpl > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsUsed > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsViewed > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsViewSet > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsXmlAttribute > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsXmlElement > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsXmlNameSpace > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< IlsXRepres > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< OwnedType > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< TargetType > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< UsedType > | |
CIlsSmartPointer< UserType > | |
CIlsSocketException | This class is the class for all exceptions thrown in the MvTCP library (the Rogue Wave Server network communication layer) |
CIlsString | Implements a null-terminated string |
CIlsStringFactory | This class can be used to implement a string factory that will be used by the class IlsString |
CIlsSvModelObserver | Model observer |
CIlsSvRef | This class encapsulates a pointer to a server object along with its type, in a non-typed way |
CIlsSwDataSourceFactory | This class allows you to use subtypes of the class IliMemoryDataSource |
CIlsSwGadgetContainerFactory | This factory class is used to instantiate new gadget containers |
CIlsSwHRefDatatype | This class is the Rogue Wave Views data type used to represent a hyper-reference |
CIlsSwHRefGadget | This class defines a hyper-reference gadget |
CIlsSwMemoryTable | This class derives from the Rogue Wave Views class IliMemoryTable and redefines some of the member functions related to the rows |
CIlsSwMemoryTableFactory | This class allows you to use subtypes of the class IlsSwMemoryTable |
Cjavascript::IlsSwRow | IlsSwRow JavaScript proxy |
CIlsSwServerDataSource | This is the class of the Rogue Wave Server data source |
Cjavascript::IlsSwServerDataSource | IlsSwServerDataSource JavaScript proxy |
Cjavascript::IlsSwTable | IlsSwTable JavaScript proxy |
CIlsSwTableGadget | This class defines the basic table gadgets that are created by the Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views component |
CIlsSwUtility | This utility class provides simple services related to the Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views integration |
CIlsTcpdMapping | This class describes the Server mapping between the server name and the port number in the MvTCP library |
CIlsTcpLoopback | This class provides a way to execute application code in the main thread in order to synchronize all the critical code such as access to the model |
CIlsThreadContext< DataType > | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class template allows an application to attach one instance of a class to any thread |
CIlsThreadContext< C2STransaction > | |
CIlsThreadContext< IlsCond > | |
CIlsTime | This class is used to set a timeout that determines how long a view server will wait for a request |
CIlsTimer | This class manages a Visualization Server timer that will call a callback function when it expires |
Cjavascript::IlsTimer | IlsTimer JavaScript proxy |
►CIlsTimerManager | This singleton manages all the timers that have been posted in the application |
CIlsTimerManagerFactory | This singleton is used to create a Timer Manager when necessary |
CIlsTransaction | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – The class IlsTransaction performs a series of updates that can all be undone by a rollback() operation, or all be validated by a commit() operation |
CIlsTranslationMng | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is used to managed the encoding and decoding functions used to translate strings between different locales |
CIlsUnsafeMutexLocker | API FOR ADVANCED USERS – This class is a wrapper class that locks the mutex in the constructor or when the mutex is assigned and unlocks the mutex in the destructor, if assigned |
►Cjavascript::IlsViewed | IlsViewed JavaScript proxy |
►CIlsViewedRel | This class is the parent class for all classes that declare relations |
CIlsVwConnectionPanel | This class defines a Rogue Wave Views connection panel, allowing the user to connect to one or more servers, query the objects that were declared on them, and open views |
CIlsInvertedRelationList< TargetType, OriginType >::Iterator | Non const iterator |
CIlsDictionary< ValueType >::Iterator | IlsDictionary iterator |
CIlsLogfile::MsgDescription | Gives access to the characteristics of the messages handled by the class IlsLogfile |
CIlsInvertedRelationList< TargetType, OriginType >::Position | |
CIlsMvComponent::RepresentationListener | This nested class is the interface of a representation listener that can be registered to the component |
CIlsMvMessage::SvMsg | This structure enables you to specify a message identifier, a message level and a message description |