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Exception classes

Exception classes that can be raised by Server. More...

Category Description

Exception classes that can be raised by Server.


class  IlsAddingToOpenTable
 Thrown when trying to add an object to a container to which an iterator points. More...
class  IlsAlreadyInDictionary
 Thrown when adding a already existing name to a dictionary (by insertion or renaming). More...
class  IlsAlreadyInserted
 Thrown when there is an attempt to own an object that is already owned. More...
class  IlsAlreadyInSet
 Thrown when trying to insert an already inserted object into a set relation. More...
class  IlsAlreadyInTable
 Thrown when trying to add an object already in the container. More...
class  IlsBeginningOfList
 Thrown if an iterator is moved before the first item. More...
class  IlsCantCreateConditionException
 Thrown when the portable library cannot create a new condition variable. More...
class  IlsCantCreateMutexException
 Thrown when the portable library cannot create a new mutex. More...
class  IlsCantCreateThreadException
 Thrown when the portable library cannot create a new thread. More...
class  IlsCantGetThreadPriority
 Thrown when the system fails to get the priority of a thread. More...
class  IlsCantJoinThreadException
 Thrown when the system fails to join to a thread. More...
class  IlsCantSetThreadPriority
 Thrown when the system fails to set the priority of a thread. More...
class  IlsCantWaitOnConditionException
 Thrown when the method wait on a condition variable fails. More...
class  IlsClearingOpenTable
 Thrown when clearing a container with an existing iterator. More...
class  IlsConditionException
 This is the base class for all exceptions thrown by a condition variable in the portable thread library. More...
class  IlsCycle
 Thrown when a dependence cycle is detected during derived evaluation. More...
class  IlsEndOfList
 Thrown when iterating a container past the last item. More...
class  IlsException
 This class is the base class for all exceptions thrown in the Server library. More...
class  IlsForbiddenOnEmptyList
 Thrown when trying to get first or last object from an empty relation. More...
class  IlsHasReadLockException
 Thrown when a writer lock is taken on a readers/writer lock but the thread already has a reader lock. More...
class  IlsHasWriteLockException
 Thrown when a reader lock is taken on a readers/writer lock but the thread already has a writer lock. More...
class  IlsInvalidCollector
 Thrown when an object inserted into a collection is not compatible with the collector. More...
class  IlsInvalidStringException
 This exception is raised by the class IlsString if the multibyte string being manipulated is invalid. More...
class  IlsMaxCardViolated
 Thrown when the cardinality of a relation becomes greater than its maximum cardinality. More...
class  IlsMinCardViolated
 Thrown when the cardinality of a relation becomes lower than its minimum cardinality. More...
class  IlsModelException
 This is the base class for all exceptions raised by the modeling services. More...
class  IlsMTException
 This is the base class for all exceptions in the portable thread library. More...
class  IlsMutexException
 This is the base class for all exceptions thrown by a mutex in the portable thread library. More...
class  IlsMutexNotLockedException
 Thrown when a mutex that is not locked is unlocked. More...
class  IlsMutexNotLockOwnerException
 Thrown when a mutex that was locked by a different thread is unlocked. More...
class  IlsMvComponentException
 This is the parent class for the exceptions thrown by a component that uses dynamic views. More...
class  IlsNoRWLockException
 Thrown when a readers/writer lock is unlocked but there was no read or write lock owned by the calling thread. More...
class  IlsNotFound
 Thrown when trying to suppress an object that is not in the container. More...
class  IlsNullPointerDereferencing
 Thrown when trying to dereference a null smart pointer. More...
class  IlsNullPointerEncountered
 Thrown when a null pointer is encountered where a valid pointer is expected. More...
class  IlsOnExitException
 This exception can be thrown by the log file instead of calling exit or abort on a fatal or internal error. More...
class  IlsOwnershipCycle
 Thrown when there is an attempt to create cycles in ownership relations and integrity check is on. More...
class  IlsRemovingFromOpenTable
 Thrown when trying to remove an object from a container to which an iterator points. More...
class  IlsRWLockException
 This is the base class for all exceptions thrown by a read/write locker in the portable thread library. More...
class  IlsSizeViolation
 Thrown when trying to access an index greater than the array size. More...
class  IlsStringException
 This exception is the base class for all exceptions raised by the class IlsString. More...
class  IlsThreadException
 This is the base class for all exceptions thrown by an incomplete action on a thread in the portable thread library. More...
class  IlsUnownedUse
 Thrown when there is an attempt to use an object that is not owned and integrity check is on. More...
class  IlsUpdateForbidden
 Thrown when trying to update a relation and the function isUpdateAllowed() of the type in which the relation is declared returns false. More...
class  IlsUtilityException
 This is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the utility classes. More...