This is the complete list of members for IlsLogfile, including all inherited members.
AddFilter(LogfileFilterFunc, IlsAny=0) | IlsLogfile | static |
AddRedirect(LogfileMessageFunc, IlsAny=0) | IlsLogfile | static |
CategoryId typedef | IlsLogfile | |
dec(IlsLogfile &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
GetLogLevel() | IlsLogfile | static |
GetMsgPrefix() | IlsLogfile | static |
hex(IlsLogfile &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsDebug(IlsLogfile::CategoryId, IlsLogfile::MessageId, const IlsString &, const IlsString &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsEndl(IlsLogfile &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsEOM(IlsLogfile &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsError(IlsLogfile::CategoryId, IlsLogfile::MessageId, const IlsString &, const IlsString &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsFatalError(IlsLogfile::CategoryId, IlsLogfile::MessageId, const IlsString &, const IlsString &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsInfo(IlsLogfile::CategoryId, IlsLogfile::MessageId, const IlsString &, const IlsString &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsInternalError(IlsLogfile::CategoryId, IlsLogfile::MessageId, const IlsString &, const IlsString &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsMsg(IlsLogfile::CategoryId, IlsLogfile::MessageId, const IlsString &, const IlsString &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
IlsWarn(IlsLogfile::CategoryId, IlsLogfile::MessageId, const IlsString &, const IlsString &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
LogfileFilterFunc typedef | IlsLogfile | |
LogfileMessageFunc typedef | IlsLogfile | |
MessageId typedef | IlsLogfile | |
oct(IlsLogfile &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
operator<<(char) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(unsigned char) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(int) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(unsigned int) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(long) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(unsigned long) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(long long) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(unsigned long long) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(const char *) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(float) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(double) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(short) | IlsLogfile | |
operator<<(unsigned short) | IlsLogfile | |
RemoveFilter(LogfileFilterFunc, IlsAny=0) | IlsLogfile | static |
RemoveRedirect(LogfileMessageFunc, IlsAny=0) | IlsLogfile | static |
restore(IlsLogfile &) | IlsLogfile | friend |
SetFilter(LogfileFilterFunc=0, IlsAny=0) | IlsLogfile | static |
SetLogfile(const IlsString &fileName=IlsString::Null, IlsBoolean logAndOutput=IlsFalse, IlsBoolean appendToLog=IlsFalse) | IlsLogfile | static |
SetLogLevel(IlsLogLevel level) | IlsLogfile | static |
SetMsgPrefix(const IlsString &prefix) | IlsLogfile | static |
SetPrintMessagesInFull(IlsBoolean inFull) | IlsLogfile | static |
SetRedirect(LogfileMessageFunc=0, IlsAny=0) | IlsLogfile | static |
ThrowExceptionOnExit(IlsBoolean=IlsTrue) | IlsLogfile | static |