Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views Integration > Server/Views Mapping > Accessing Server/Views Representation Objects > Hyper-References
A hyper-reference is a representation attribute that can be mapped to an Rogue Wave Views memory table to allow you to dereference it when the user performs a specific action, such as double-clicking a table gadget cell or clicking on a button.
Hyper-references are stored in the columns of Rogue Wave Views memory tables whose type is IlsSwHRefDatatype. This specific type enables the user to dereference hyper-references (which is equivalent to opening a view on the target object) or to assign a new target to the unary relation specified in the hyper-reference. It is possible to edit pointers by replacing an IliValue of type HRef by another IliValue of a compatible HRef type. The library ensures that the new target type is compatible with the current target type.
To dereference a IliValue of type HRef, you can invoke the member function IlsSwHRefDatatype::getHRef which returns an instance of IlsRpObject and the IlsRpAttributeId identifier of its hyper-reference attribute.
Hyper-references are further documented in section Hyper-References.

Version 6.3
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