Java Data Sources > Overview of Java Data Sources > Dynamics of the Server/Java Data-Source Mapping > Initial Creation
Initial Creation
Dynamics of the Server/Java Data-Source Mapping shows an example of the dynamic behavior of the Server/JavaTM data-source mapping mechanism when a table view is opened.
The process can be broken down into the following steps:
1. A view is opened on a server object from a JavaTM component.
2. A dynamic view subscribing to the selected server object is instantiated within the server.
3. Rogue Wave® Server triggers the notification mechanism.
4. An instance of ilog.server.jsds.IlsDSRepresentation is created in the component.
5. An instance of IlsDataSourceContainer is created by the IlsDSRepresentation instance. This container may be a graphic frame (generally a class derived from ilog.server.jsds.swing.IlsDSJFrame), or may be itself contained in a graphic frame (generally a class derived from ilog.server.jsds.swing.IlsDSJPanel).
6. The table view class JTable, the model class DefaultModelTable and the controller class ilog.server.jsds.adapter.IlsTableDS2JTableAdapter are instantiated for the represented table.
7. An instance of the class ilog.server.jsds.table.IlsTableDataSource is created.
8. An instance of the class ilog.server.jsds.table.IlsRpTable is created and the instance of IlsTableDataSource is notified of this creation.
9. ilog.server.jsds.table.IlsRpRow objects are created. The instance of IlsTableDataSource is notified and updates the table representation model through the associated instance of IlsTableDS2JTableAdapter.

Version 6.3
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