Dynamic View Services > Specifying Dynamic View Types > Hyper-References > Editing the Target of a Hyper-Reference
Editing the Target of a Hyper-Reference
The semantics used for editing the target of hyper-references is very similar to that used for editing references (see Editing a Reference). In particular, a hyper-reference attribute is not editable unless it is mapped to a runtime server relation path in which the last relation declares a modifier.
In the previous examples, the linkName hyper-references are not editable because they are mapped to the relation this, which has no modifier.
On the contrary, the title hyper-reference is editable because it is mapped to the inverted relation company, whose direct relation Company::departments is editable.
Let us consider now a ProjectTable view type which lists the properties of the contributions to a project in a TableR:
view ProjectTable:
subscribe origin Project:
represent TableR table:
propagate contributions
subscribe Contribution:
represent RowR row:
HyperRef column[1]={employee->EmployeeDataSheet,employee.name};
The hyper-reference attribute column[1] is mapped to the direct relation employee which has a modifier. Therefore, it can be edited.
Just as for references, editing the target of a hyper-reference means modifying the target of the corresponding relation path (see Editing a Reference).
*To nullify the target, use the following callback function:
*To replace the target, use the following function:
virtual IlsBoolean onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId editedHyperRef,
const IlsRpObject& targetOwner,
IlsRpAttributeId targetHyperRef);
An employee contributing to a project can be replaced through reference editing or through hyper-reference editing with the same result.
Let us assume that the table gadget allows to drag and drop the row hyper-references, both within a table and between two different tables. Let us also assume that this operation executes the RowR callback function onHrefDragDrop on the destination row, taking as parameters:
*the column index of the destination row;
*the origin row;
*the column index of the origin row.
Here is the body of this callback:
RowR::onHRefDragDrop(int destColumn,
RowR& originRow,
int origColumn)
On the server side, the relation to be edited is determined first. In other words, the employee contributing to the project is represented by the destination row. This relation is assigned a new target object. This means that the employee contributing to the project is represented by the origin row.
The function IlsRpObject::isMatchingHRef checks whether a hyper-reference can be used to update another hyper-reference.
Note:  The onUpdate function used above can also be used to edit references when the new target is identified by a hyper-reference. Conversely, the onUpdate function that takes a representation object as a parameter (used in this code sample) can also be used to edit hyper-references.

Version 6.3
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