Appendices > Portable Thread Library > Readers/Writer Lock > Using a Readers/Writer Lock Wrapper
Using a Readers/Writer Lock Wrapper
As with the mutexes described before, the readers/writer lock is normally used in conjunction with a locker class, IlsRWLocker, that locks the resource in its constructor and unlocks the resource in its destructor.
Here is an example:
class connection
int getConnectionCount();
void setConnectionCount(int);
int _connectionCount;
IlsRWLock _protectConnCount;
int getConnectionCount()
IlsRWLocker locker(_protectConnCount, ILS_READ_LOCK);
return _connectionCount;
void setConnectionCount(int count)
IlsRWLocker locker(_protectConnCount, ILS_WRITE_LOCK);
_connectionCount = count;
As for the condition variable and the barrier class, the readers/writer lock can have a private mutex. In this case, the mutex must be locked before the member functions are called and unlocked once the member functions have been called.

Version 5.8
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