Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views Integration > Overview of the Server/Views Integration > Dynamics of the Server/Views Mapping > Deleting Server Objects
Deleting Server Objects
You can delete a server object on which a view is opened by a component, either from the server model or from the component.
From the Server to the Component
When an object is removed from the server or when a view unsubscribes from a server object, the related representation object is deleted from the component.
*If that server object was represented by an IlsSwTable object, this table disconnects from its Properties data source and its Main data source before being deleted.
*If the server object was represented by an IlsSwRow object, the corresponding row in the Main data source is removed.
From the Component to the Server
As representation objects are “bi-directional”, removing a row from a Views data source associated with an IlsSwTable representation object—either through the Views API or by user interaction—results in an update being sent to the server so that the corresponding server object be removed from the represented relation.

Version 5.8
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