Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views Integration > Overview of the Server/Views Integration > Dynamics of the Server/Views Mapping > Modifying Server Objects
Modifying Server Objects
You can modify one of the object represented in the viewed relation, either from the server model or from the component.
From the Server to the Component
Each time a represented object is changed in the server, the corresponding representation object in the component—an instance of IlsSwTable or IlsSwRow—is notified this change and updates the underlying cell in the Views data source with the new values. This action updates in turn the graphical objects connected to that data source.
Note: Only the changes made on attributes that have been mapped to a data source cell are notified to the component.
From the Component to the Server
When a Views data source associated with an IlsSwTable representation object is modified—either through the Rogue Wave Views API or by a user interaction on connected graphical objects—the corresponding representation objects send those updates to the server.

Version 5.8
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