Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views Integration > Server/Views Mapping > Managing User-Defined Server Object Types > Converting an Rogue Wave Views Type Value to an Rogue Wave Server User-Defined Type Value
Converting an Rogue Wave Views Type Value to an Rogue Wave Server User-Defined Type Value
When a column of an Rogue Wave Server user-defined type is updated in the data source, Rogue Wave Server needs to convert the Rogue Wave Views value stored in the data source to the value of an Rogue Wave Server user-defined type that can be sent to the server.
To achieve this conversion, you must install a Views converter using the following static member function:
void IlsSwComponent::DeclInFormConverter(const IliDatatype*,
IlsSwInFormConverter converter)
The converter must have the following signature:
typedef IlsMvValue (*IlsSwInFormConverter)(const IliValue&);
This function receives a value of type IliValue and should return a value of type IlsMvValue that encapsulates the value of an Rogue Wave Server user-defined type.

Version 5.8
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