Appendices > Internationalization in Rogue Wave Server > Troubleshooting
If your localized messages do not appear on your screen, follow these steps:
1. Check that you called the global function IlsSetLocaleOnce or (IlsIlvSetLocale) at the beginning of your program.
2. Check that your system supports the locale and the fonts to display it. On most Unix® systems, you can run the locale -a command. See “Locale Requirements”..
3. Do not set the ILVLANG environment variable if you use Rogue Wave Views with Rogue Wave Server.
4. On Unix platforms, set LANG to a locale supported by your system and by the X Window system.
For example, to set the LANG variable to French, type:
LANG=fr on Solaris
LANG=fr_FR.iso88591 on HP_UX 10.x
5. Check that the localized .dbm file is located in a subdirectory named .../locale/<ll_TT.encoding>/your_file.dbm. See “Location of the Message Database Files”..
6. Check that the contents of your .dbm file has the following new format. See “Database Message .dbm File Format”..
// IlvMessageDatabase ...
// Language: <ll_TT>
// Encoding: <encoding>
"&message" "message translation...”

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.