Appendices > Internationalization in Rogue Wave Server > Multibyte Support in Rogue Wave Server > Setting the Locale
Setting the Locale
Most Rogue Wave® Server APIs use the type IlsString as the mechanism to handle multibyte strings. When Rogue Wave Server accesses a locale-dependent method, it automatically sets the locale and sets IlsString in multibyte mode by calling the function IlsString::SetUseLocaleRoutines, if necessary. For Rogue Wave Server to interpret your locale correctly, you must call the global function IlsSetLocaleOnce at the beginning of your program:
#include <ilserver/sstring.h>
int main()
Note that if you are using Rogue Wave Server and Rogue Wave Views, you should call the global function IlsIlvSetLocale as shown below:
#include <ilserver/views.h>
int main()

Version 5.8
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