Dynamic View Services > Specifying Dynamic View Types > User-Defined Representation Attributes Types
User-Defined Representation Attributes Types
By default, Rogue Wave® Server supports a limited number of representation attributes types. However, you can define your own representation attributes using user-defined types, providing that:
*They derive directly or transitively from the class IlsMvUserType.
*They declare the macro ILS_USERTYPE_DECL.
*The source file implementing their functions includes the macro ILS_USERTYPE_DEF.
*They implement the following member functions declared by the macro ILS_USERTYPE_DECL:
*IlsMvMessage& ilsEncode(IlsMvMessage&) const;
This pure virtual member function is used by Rogue Wave Server to encode the user-defined type instance into a message of the server generic protocol.
*IlsMvUserType* IlsDecode(IlsMvMessage&);
This static member function is used to decode a message of the server generic protocol and create a new user-defined type instance from the decoded data.
*constructor(const MyUserType&);
This copy constructor is invoked when the user type is copied. This constructor must invoke the base class copy constructor to comply with IlsMvUserType life cycle management rules.
*constructor(const IlsMvValue&);
This constructor is called when the user-defined type is used as a parameter passed to a server runtime function called from the component (for details, see the function IlsRpObject::execCallback, described in the Rogue Wave Server Reference Manual.)
In the example below, the name of an employee is replaced with an instance of the user-defined attribute type Identity. You want to represent this type of value directly in the DepartmentTable view type.

Version 5.8
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