Introducing Rogue Wave Server > Modeling Services > Static Modeling Services > The Network Application Example
The Network Application Example
We will use code samples from a Network application example to illustrate the concepts of modeling services. This application, developed with Rogue Wave® Server, simulates a network structure. The network application is made up of four types of modules (see Figure 2.1 below):
*A network server managing the shared data model. This model is composed of four object classes: Network, Domain, Line, Node.
*A network domain. A network may be divided into several domains, but in this example, there is only one domain, operating nodes connected by lines. You can add or remove nodes and lines within the domain.
*Nodes. The domain includes four nodes, each having an input capacity and an output capacity. Nodes all belong to the same domain and are interconnected by lines.
*Lines. The network domain also includes lines, each connecting an input node to an output node. A line may be closed between two nodes and/or a new line may be created.
Figure 2.1    Model of the Network Information System with Components

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