Rogue Wave Server 5.2 Release Notes > Installation of a Decoder/Encoder > New Rogue Wave Server 5.2 API
New Rogue Wave Server 5.2 API
With Rogue Wave® Server 5.2, you should move the installation of this system to the IlsMvServer::acceptConnection. More precisely, you should override the member function IlsMvServer::acceptConnection, then invoke either of the setEncoder or setDecoder methods from that overriden version.
In Rogue Wave Server 5.2, when the connection is established, the server sends a message of acceptance or rejection to allow or deny this connection. This message is sent before the method IlsMvServer::onConnect is invoked but it must be encoded on server side to be decoded correctly on component side.
Setting the encoder/decoder system in the method IlsMvServer::onConnect generates the following message on the component side when the first message following a connection is received:
Error: Protocol mismatch. Cannot decode message

Version 5.8
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