unsetSetContext > Semantics of Dynamic View Type Specifications > View Specification
View Specification
A dynamic-view type specification contains:
*a header that defines its global properties, such as name or parameters,
*notification instructions that apply to the Server object types the view instances may subscribe to.
In the following example, the dynamic-view type DomainView specifies that its instances may subscribe to Server objects of types Domain, Node, and Line:
view DomainView:
subscribe Domain: ...
subscribe Node: ...
subscribe Line: ...
Note: The Server objects that are referenced in a dynamic-view type specification must derive from the classes IlsEntity or IlsObject. In addition, you must declare them to the Server model interpreter as being accessible at runtime, using the macros ILS_ENTITY_DECL or ILS_OBJECT_DECL.
A dynamic-view type can define parameters. A dynamic-view type parameter must have a type and a default value. For example:
view DomainView(boolean onlyAlarm=false,
int alarmLevel1=0,
int alarmLevel2=0): ....
A parameter can be assigned a basic type —such as boolean, char, string, int, float or any— or a user-defined type. In the latter case, this type must derive from the class IlsMvUserType and must be declared as a runtime-accessible type using the macros ILS_USERTYPE_DECL/ILS_USERTYPE_DEF.
As said earlier, view parameters can be used to modify a representation dynamically without altering the corresponding Server object. They can also be used to specify the value of representation attributes or to filter the Server objects to be represented (see “Conditions Applying to Propagation and Representations”.).

Version 5.8
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