Rogue Wave Views Script class
Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views component
This class defines an Server representation object that is a row.
Boolean onRowUpdate(Int colno,
String value)
This method changes the value of the corresponding attribute on the server. The method returns false if the modification is not allowed. The colno argument indicates which attribute in the server (via the mapping) should be updated. In the Rogue Wave Views Script mapping, column numbers start from zero. The value parameter is the value of the attribute to be set in the server. This attribute is entered as a string but it is converted to the correct type when used.
var row = ...;
row.onRowUpdate(1, “23”);
Int getRowNumber()
This method returns the number of a row in its table. In the Rogue Wave Views Script mapping, row numbers start from zero.
var row = IlsSwGetRow(obj);
var rowNumber = row.getRowNumber();
void swOnDereference(Int colno,
Optional Boolean force,
Optional IlsSwServerDataSource sds,
Optional String arg1,
Optional String arg10)
This method dereferences the row at the specified column number colNo if the column is a hyper-reference. In the Rogue Wave Views Script mapping, column numbers start from zero. If the sds parameter is supplied, it is used to open the new view. If not, the new view is opened with the preregistered panel or Server Data Source, if any.
The optional argument force specifies whether a new view instance must be instantiated when the same view is already opened on the same object. Its default value is false.
You can pass up to 10 arguments to open the view. These arguments are used as the values of the view parameters.
var row = ...
See Also 
IlsSwTable (Script class)
IlsSwRow (C++ class)

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.