Dynamic view-related class (Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views mapping)
Inheritance Path 
This is the class of the Rogue Wave Server data source. Instances of this class are associated with a dynamic view type specification that can be edited in Rogue Wave Server Studio. At runtime, the Server data source is created when an .ilv resource file is read, and associated with an instance of the class IlsSwRepresentation or of a derived class when the view is opened.
Header File 
#include <ilmvsw/svdataso.h>
class IlsSwServerDataSource : public IliDataGem{
IlsSwRepresentation* getRepresentation();
IlsString getViewName();
void close(IlsBoolean notify= IlsTrue);
virtual void onOpenView();
static IlvSymbol* OpenViewCallbackSymbol();
When the Server Data Source is deleted, the associated representation is closed if it has not been close before. The function IlsRepresentation::close is called with the notify argument set to IlsFalse, so that no notification will be performed by the server.
Member Functions 
IlsSwRepresentation* getRepresentation();
This member function returns the instance of the class IlsSwRepresentation or of a derived class that gets created when the view is opened.
Because the view is opened asynchronously, this method returns null until the view is actually opened on component side. See the member function IlsSwComponent::openSwView for more information.
IlsString getViewName();
This member function retuns the name of the view associated with this data source.
void close(IlsBoolean notify= IlsTrue);
This member function closes the representation associated with this Server Data Source, if any. The notify argument specifies whether notification is required when the view is closed. If the notify argument is set to IlsFalse, the virtual member function IlsSwRepresentation::onCloseSDS is called on the associated representation to delete it.
[virtual] void onOpenView();
This virtual member function is called by the associated instance of the class IlsSwRepresentation when the view is opened. By default, this function calls the graphical callback OpenViewCallback.
Protected Member Functions 
[static] IlvSymbol* OpenViewCallbackSymbol();
This static member function returns the name of the graphical callback OpenViewCallback, which is called when a new view is opened using this Server Data Source. This callback is called just after the callback specified in the methods IlsSwComponent::openSwView.
See Also 
IlsSwComponent, IlsSwRepresentation

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.