Dynamic view-related class (component and server)
Inheritance Path 
This class defines the type of attributes that is attached to a representation object model.
<mvserver> and <mvcomp>
Header File 
#include <ilserver/rpshared.h>
class IlsMvDataType{
IlsMvDataType::Kind getKind() const;
IlsString getUserTypeName()const;
IlsString getRpTypeName()const;
IlsString getSvTypeName()const;
Header File 
Member Functions 
IlsMvDataType::Kind getKind() const;  
This member function returns the enumerated value that describes the attribute type.
IlsString getUserTypeName()const;
If the data type indicates user-defined, this member function returns its name. Otherwise, it returns a null string.
IlsString getRpTypeName()const;
If the data type indicates a reference to a representation object, this member function returns the representation-object type name. If the data type indicates a collector, this function returns the name of the type of the representation objects in the collection. Otherwise, it returns 0.
IlsString getSvTypeName()const;
If the data type indicates a reference to a representation object, or a hyper-reference, this member function returns the name of the type of the associated Server object. If the type is a collector, this function returns the type of the Server object associated with the representation objects in the collection. Otherwise, it returns 0.
See Also 
IlsMvDataType::Kind, IlsMvRef, IlsRpAttrModel, IlsRpObject

Version 5.8
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