Dynamic modeling class
Inheritance Path 
This abstract class is the base class for the collection of attributes of a dynamic object. It provides the API used by Rogue Wave® Server to create or access dynamic attributes. If you choose to subclass this class, you must use the member function IlsDynObjectFactory::newAttributes to create instances of your subclass.
Header File
#include <ilserver/dynimpl.h>
class IlsDynAttributes
IlsDynAttributes(IlsDynObject* holder);
virtual IlsDynObject* getHolder() const;
virtual IlsDynAttribute* getDynAttribute
(const IlsDynObject& holder,
const IlsAttributeDef&) const;
virtual void addAttribute(const IlsAttributeDef&,
virtual void rmAttribute(const IlsAttributeDef&,
IlsBoolean del = IlsTrue);
virtual IlsDynAttribute* newAttribute
const IlsAttributeDef&);
virtual int getCount() const;
IlsDynAttributes(IlsDynObject* holder);
This constructor receives the holder object for the collection to be built.
Member Functions 
[virtual] IlsDynObject* getHolder() const;
This member function returns the holder of the collection. This function should be overriden.
[virtual] IlsDynAttribute* getDynAttribute
(const IlsDynObject& holder,
const IlsAttributeDef&) const;
This virtual member function returns a dynamic attribute, given its definition and its holder. This function should be overriden.
[virtual] void addAttribute(const IlsAttributeDef&, IlsDynAttribute&);
This virtual member function adds a dynamic attribute to the collection. This function should be overriden.
[virtual] void rmAttribute(const IlsAttributeDef&, IlsBoolean del = IlsTrue);
This virtual member function removes a dynamic attribute from the collection. If the argument del is IlsTrue, the dynamic attribute must be deleted. This function should be overriden.
[virtual] IlsDynAttribute* newAttribute(IlsDynObject&, const IlsAttributeDef&);
This virtual member function is called by Server when a new attribute must be built. The default implementation invokes the methods of the class IlsDynAttributeFactory and calls addAttribute.
[virtual] int getCount() const;
This virtual member function returns the number of dynamic attributes stored in the collection.
See Also 
IlsDynAttribute, IlsDynAttributeFactory

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.